
目前顯示的是 6月, 2019的文章

God’s People Go to War: What I Noticed When I Read Joshua 神的子民上戰場:我讀約書亞記所注意到的事情

by  Wes  |  Feb 14, 2018  |  Books of the Bible Translated & Edited by Joyce Yang  Many people struggle to understand the story of Joshua and the conquest of Canaan. They understandably wonder, “Is Jesus of Nazareth, who told His followers to love their enemies and turn the other cheek, really the exact representation of the God who ordered warfare in the book of Joshua?” As I’ve done with  previous Bible books , I sat down and read the book of Joshua in one sitting. Here are a few things I noticed. 許多人努力去理解約書亞和征服迦南的故事。他們不禁要問 ,  「拿撒勒的耶穌 , 祂告訴祂的追隨者要愛他們的敵人 ,  並轉過另一邊臉頰去(挨打) ,  在約書亞書裡下令作戰的神,這真的確實是祂的表現嗎 ? 」正如我 之 前讀其他聖經書卷一樣 , 我坐下來一口氣讀著約書亞記。以下是我注意到的一些事情。 Must Be Understood in Light of the Torah  務必要配合摩西五書(律法書)理解 【JY: Torah 為摩西五書或律法書,即聖經中頭五本:創世紀、出埃及記、利未記、民數記、申命記。】 The book of Joshua is “Part 6” in the story of God and His covenant people. Over the last few weeks, as I’ve read each of these books in close succession, it has really helped me keep the major themes at the fore

What Do They Need to Know Before They’re Baptized? 受浸前他們需要明白什麼?

受浸前他們需要明白什麼?   by  Wes  |  Jun 8, 2016  |  Theology Translated & Edited by Joyce Che Chen Yang I believe we often baptize people before they’ve been properly taught. But then again, it’s often hard to determine what a person should know before they are baptized. Since baptism is only the beginning point, it is only necessary those who are baptized have a  basic  understanding of Christian theology, doctrine, and practice. But what exactly constitutes a “basic understanding”? What do people need to know before being baptized? I’m certain I can’t give an exhaustive answer to that question, but perhaps this post will help you as you think through this question. 我相信我們經常在人們被適當教導之前就給他們施浸。但話說回來 ,  在一個人受浸之前 , 往往很難確定他們應該知道什麼。由於浸禮只是起點 ,  受浸的人只需要對基督教神學、教義和實踐有一個基本的理解。但究竟什麼是 「基本理解」 呢?在受浸之前 ,  人們需要知道什麼?我相信我不能對這個問題給出詳盡的答案 ,  但也許本篇文章會幫助你思考這問題。 Anticipating the Objection  預期會有反對意見 First of all, I know someone will ask, “But, Wes, what about the people on the day of Pentecost or the

Why There is Confusion about the Role of the Holy Spirit 為什麼對於聖靈的角色有所混淆

為什麼對於聖靈的角色有所混淆 by  Wes  |  May 22, 2014  |  Articles ,  Theology Translated & Edited by Joyce Che Chen Yang  This will be far from an exhaustive and in-depth study of the Holy Spirit. Instead, I simply want to give readers a quick thought that might help to dispel some of the misunderstanding about the Spirit’s role in the life of the believer today. That thought might be summed up by saying:  be careful not to claim a promise that doesn’t belong to you. 本篇絕不是對於聖靈詳盡和深入的研究。相反的 ,  我只是想給讀者一個快速的想法 ,  這可能有助於消弭對聖靈在今天信徒生活中工作的一些誤解。這種想法可以被概括為 :  小心,不要去主張一個不主張不屬於你的應許。 As a parent, I sometimes make a promise to one son and the other son tries to claim that promise. “I’ll take you to get donuts in the morning for breakfast,” I say to one of my boys. Then I hear the other son exclaim, “Yay!” I then have to gently explain to him, “I was actually just talking to your brother. I will take you some other time.” 作為家長 ,  我有時會對一個兒子做出承諾 ,  而另一個兒子試圖主張這個承諾。「我早上帶你去吃甜甜圈做早餐」 ,  我對我其中一個兒子說。然