
目前顯示的是 12月, 2023的文章

The Meaning of "Jesus is Lord"「耶穌是主」的含義

From T.A. I am not sure as to the time that Jesus was made Lord. David spoke of Him as being Lord in prophecy (Acts 2:34). The disciples often referred to Him as Lord during His earthly ministry. It was therefore the Father's intention to make Him Lord before He came to earth. In Old Testament writings the title, Lord, seemed to refer to the Father or perhaps to the Godhead. Therefore, perhaps it also referred to the Word which was with God and was God (John 1: 1,2). But since the Pentecost of Acts 2 the title of Lord belongs to Jesus Christ (2:36) and there is one Lord (Ephesians 4:5). If a person wants to follow and obey God's word, he will acknowledge that Christ is Lord and when He uses the title, Lord, he is referring to Jesus. 我不確定耶穌成為主的時間。 大衛在預言中說祂是主(使徒行傳2:34)。 門徒們經常在祂世上的事工期間,稱祂為主。 因此,也許天父打算在耶穌來到地上之前,就讓祂成為主。 在舊約著作中,主這個頭銜似乎指的是父,也可能是指(三位一體)神。 因此,也許它也提到了與神同在的道,而且道就是神(約翰福音1:1, 2)。 但是,自使徒行傳第二章的五旬節(2:36),主的頭銜屬於耶穌基督,而且只有一個主(以弗所書4:5)。 如果一個人想遵循和服從神的話語,他會承認基督是主,當他使用主這個頭銜時,他指