
目前顯示的是 6月, 2024的文章

Will Sin Exist in Heaven? 

  by David E Paden Jr  A thorough study of the subject of angels will present one with the Biblical fact that there was a time when angels sinned (2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 1:6-7). This Biblical fact has led many to ask the question, “Can man sin once he gets to heaven?” While there are many things that the Bible teaches concerning heaven, it seems clear that heaven is a place where we will be free from sin. Consider the words of the apostle John that he penned through the inspiration of God, concerning heaven. 對天使主題的徹底研究,會呈現一個聖經中的事實,即有一段時間天使犯了罪( 2 Pet 2:4 ;猶大書 1:6-7 )。 這一聖經事實導致許多人問: “ 人一旦到達天堂,還會犯罪嗎? ” 雖然聖經教導了很多關於天堂的事情,但似乎很明顯,天堂是我們擺脫罪惡的地方。 想想使徒約翰在神的啟示下所寫的關於天堂的話。 “ Certain things will “NOT” enter or exist in heaven. What are these absolutes? But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” (Rev. 21:27) This verse begins with an absolute exclusion. 某些東西 “ 不會 ” 進入或存在於天堂。 這些絕對值是什麼? “

Has Satan Always Existed? 

  From: ERIC LYONS, M.Min.   https://apologeticspress.org/has-satan-always-existed-817/   From a very early age, children learn about the righteousness of God and the wickedness of Satan. We teach children that God is the loving, powerful, and all-knowing Creator and Sustainer of life Who wants them to live right and go to heaven. We also tell them that there is an evil being called Satan who is very influential in the world, and who is doing everything he possibly can to keep them out of heaven. Many Sunday mornings in Bible class, children either sing or study about these two beings. This time of study certainly is worthwhile because children are taught to obey God (John 14:15) and to resist the devil (1 Peter 5:8). In time, however, if young people are not offered additional teaching about the origin of Satan and the eternal nature of God, many inadvertently begin to form a picture in their minds of two opposing “gods” who are at war with each other. Like two heavyweight boxers e

Grow Our Faith By Obedient Works 透過順服的工作來培養我們的信仰

J.Y. So I was wrong? Obedience and repentance cannot grow our faith? Then how do you explain Js 2:22? And what is faith actually if there’s no works? Without works faith is dead. 所以我錯了? 順服和悔改不能增強我們的信仰嗎? 那你如何解釋Js 2:22? 如果沒有行為,信仰到底是什麼? 沒有行為,信仰就死了。 Jas 2:22    ( KJV )  Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?  可見信心是與他的行為並行,而且信心因著行為才得成全。  T.A. We can grow our faith by adding to the qualities mentioned in 2 Peter 1: 5-11. We are told to walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16) and we can know we are walking in the Spirit if we have and develop the fruit of the Spirit( Galatians 5:22,23). 我們可以透過增加彼得後書1:5-11中提到的品質來培養我們的信仰。 我們被告知 當順著聖靈而行 (加拉太書5:16),如果我們擁有並發展聖靈的果子,我們可以知道我們 順著聖靈而行 (加拉太書5:22,23)。 2Pe 1:5     Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in  your  moral excellence, knowledge, 2Pe 1:6     and in  your  knowledge, self-control, and in  your self-control, perseverance, and in  your  perseverance,