Against Brokenness Culture

 Salvation Archives - Focus Press


Much is said about our “messy” lives and how we all deal with “brokenness.” Some seem to think the lost will be more open to the church if we emphasize just how broken all of us are. And it’s true that we all have our trials, and we all stumble and fall into sin at times. But we must not wallow. We can’t stay there.

We must not repeat the line that we are all broken. We were all broken at one point. Some still are. But the cross heals our brokenness. Even in our continued struggles and trials, Christ makes us whole. To continue to insist we are broken sinners is to deny the work of Christ. In Him we are more than conquerors over anything life throws at us (Romans 8:37-39), and we are called to lay aside the sin that so easily entangles us (Hebrews 12:1).



1 Tim 2:12 Woman's Silence

RETURN TO THE LORD 歸向神 (Joel 約珥書2:13-14)

The Woman that Hath a Familiar Spirit 交鬼的婦人 (1 Sam 28)