Jesus — the Way, the Truth, the Life 耶穌—道路、真理、生命

 JESUS Is THE Way, THE Truth, And THE Life! Part 2 | Trinity and Humanity

Dave Leonard 

Translation & Edition 編譯: Joyce Yang

In the thirteenth chapter of John, Jesus announced that one of His apostles would betray Him and that Peter would deny Him three times. Amid these shocking revelations, Jesus delivers perhaps the strongest blow when He tells His apostles that He is going to leave them, to go somewhere they cannot follow right now. It is understandable that near the beginning and close of this discussion, we read His words, “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1, 27). 

在約翰福音第十三章,耶穌宣稱:祂的一個使徒將出賣祂,而且彼得將三次否認祂。在這些令人震驚的預言中,也許是最強烈的打擊,就是耶穌也告訴祂的使徒:祂將要離開他們,前往他們此時無法追隨的地方。我們可以理解的是,這次討論的開始和結束,祂都說到:你們心裡不要憂愁(約翰福音141, 27)。

Their desire to hold to Jesus was built upon a misunderstanding of the nature of His reign over His kingdom. Jesus never intended to conquer and triumph in a natural or worldly kingdom. His conquest would be over Satan, sin, and death, and His triumph in the kingdom that the prophets described was one that would be everlasting in its nature (2 Samuel 7:12-16; Daniel 2:36-45). This kingdom, the church that Jesus promised to build (Matthew 16:18,19), would one day be delivered up to heaven (Ephesians 5:25-27). They would come to understand that holding on to Jesus did not mean keeping Him physically in their presence, but following Him spiritually into eternal life. 

他們渴望留住耶穌,是建立在對祂統治國度本質的誤解之上。耶穌從未打算在一個自然或世俗的國度中征服和得勝。祂的征服在於戰勝撒旦、罪惡和死亡,在先知們所描述的祂國度中的勝利,是永恆的(撒母耳記下712-16;但以理書236-45)。這個國度,就是耶穌應許要建立的教會(馬太福音1618, 19),有一天(教會)將被送到天國(以弗所書525-27)。他們會明白,緊緊抓住耶穌,並不意味著耶穌的身體與他們同在,而是要在屬靈上跟隨耶穌以進入永生。

As Jesus assures that they know where He is going and the way, Thomas states his frustration: “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” To which Jesus replies, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:4-6). Jesus leaves no middle ground in what He wants His apostles to understand and believe about Him. If they are going to hold to Jesus, they will follow the will of the Father. 


He is the way: to heaven, to the Father, and to living a life that pleases God. There is no other way than through the person of Jesus! 


He is the truth: this is a radical concept! Many today believe that there is no such thing as objective truth. Jesus says that truth is real, it can be known, and it will set us free from the bondage of sin (John 8:31-32). He is the source of truth, and His standard is all that really matters (John 12:48). 


He is the life: as the source of both physical and spiritual life, He is the one to whom we should look for life, now and eternally. It is “redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins” (Ephesians 1:7). It is a living hope – based upon resurrection (1 Peter 1:3), a supported hope – resting upon the return of Jesus (1 Peter 1:13), a directed hope – in God (1 Peter 1:21), and, thus, a hope to be defended (1 Peter 3:15). 





The Woman that Hath a Familiar Spirit 交鬼的婦人 (1 Sam 28)

Pray to Jesus? 向耶穌禱告?