Are You A Good Listener? (James 1:19)

Dave Chamberlin J ames tells us that we should be a people who are “quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.” (James 1: 19) There is certainly a gift that can be learned in becoming a better listener. James is concerned with the anger of man, within the context of this particular verse, when he concludes the thought with the fact that “the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.” (James 1: 20) Our concern should be that we work on our anger if that indeed is a problem. It is easy while having a “spirited” discussion with someone, to not listen to them but to use those moments to feed our own anger. We need to take time to listen to those who are talking to us. Someone has come up with “Six Steps To Becoming A Better Listener” and they are worth repeating here. You will note that they form a LADDER—one...