
目前顯示的是 10月, 2021的文章

1 Tim 2:15 - be saved from childbearing? 提前 2:15 - 在生產上得救?

from WVBS course note https://school.wvbs.org/courses/first-timothy    1 Tim 2:15  ( KJV )   Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.   1Ti 2:15     然而,女人若常存信心、愛心,又聖潔自守,就必在生產上得救。 The "she" in the context of this verse must refer to Eve. However, in the rest of the verse, we notice that the application extends beyond Eve. It is important to note that this is not saying women must give birth to a child in order to be saved.  這節經文中的“她”必定指向「夏娃」。 然而,在經節的其餘部分,我們注意到,該應用又超越了夏娃。 重要的是,這經文並不是說婦女必須生孩子才能得救。 What about those who are barren? Do they have no opportunity for salvation? Obviously, they do.  那些不能懷孕的人呢沒有救贖的機會嗎? 顯然的,她們也有。 The point is Eve was saved in childbearing. How? Through her offspring would come to the Messiah (Genesis 3:15). He would provide the opportunity for salvation to her and all those who would choose to obey Him. "if they continue in faith, love, a...