
目前顯示的是 6月, 2016的文章

Proverbs 18:8

18:8 [hb5]  傳 舌 人 的 言 語 、 如 同 美 食 、 深 入 人 的 心 腹 。     [kjv]  The words of a talebearer are as wounds , and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.     [bbe]  The words of one who says evil of his neighbour secretly are like sweet food, and go down into the inner parts of the stomach. 到底是傷口還是美食? 有賴查詢希伯來原文。 若是傷口,似乎比較合理。 Albert Barnes' Notes On the Bible : Wounds - The word so rendered occurs here and in Pro_26:22 only. Others render it “dainties,” and take the verse to describe the avidity with which people swallow in tales of scandal. They find their way to the innermost recesses of man’s nature. dainties: something delicious to the taste           avidity: extreme eagerness or enthusiasm recess: a small space created by building part of a wall further back from the rest  人們喜歡八卦、醜聞,這是人性深處的休憩小站。 希伯來字典 Brown Driver Briggs' Hebrew Definition: H3859להםlâhamBDB Definition:...

Proverbs 18:21

Pro 18:21     生死在舌頭的權下,喜愛他的,必吃他所結的果子。 ( KJV )  Death and life  are  in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. ( NASB )  Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. I don't understand what "it" is here? 中文應該翻譯成「它」,而不是「他」。 The Cambridge Bible of Schools and Colleges says: love it i.e. delight in using it, as an instrument either of “death” or of “life.” From Denny Petrillo i n WVBS course notes:         Because of the tongue’s power it is imperative to         use it properly.  所以能夠當成死或活的工具的,我認為就是「舌頭」了。 我們必須善用我們的舌頭,說造就人的話,這會影響到我們的生命!!

Proverbs 17:8

17:8 [hb5] 賄 賂 在 餽 送 的 人 眼 中 、 看 為 寶 玉 、 隨 處 運 動 、 都 得 順 利 。   [kjv] A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth.   [bbe] An offering of money is like a stone of great price in the eyes of him who has it: wherever he goes, he does well. 和Pang讀經討論,發覺這個經文的中文翻譯似乎是有問題的。 KJV最接近聖經原文,明明是a gift,為何到其他版本變成了bribe 賄賂?中文翻譯我看不懂,所以才再對照英文聖經。 看NKJV又更清楚了: 8 A present is a precious stone in the eyes of its possessor; Wherever he turns, he prospers. Pang認為這經文涵義有:人行得正,走到哪裡都會得餽贈得富足。 查了BDB希伯來字典,是可能有「賄賂」之意: shachadBDB Definition:1) present, bribe Adam Clarke說: A gift is as a precious stone - It both enriches and ornaments. In the latter clause there is an evident allusion to cut stones. Whithersoever you turn them, they reflect the light, are brilliant and beautiful. 但是好像又不是「得到禮物」,而是在講「贈送禮物」,且對照其上下文,都是在講正面的事情。也許Pang的理解是對的。 我暫時翻譯如下: 17:8   禮物 在  擁有  的 人 眼 中 為 寶 玉 、  他隨 處轉 動  、 都 得 富...

只有神知道 (Ecclesiastes 9:1; 1:11)

Ecclesiastes 9:1 ( Chinese UV (T) )  我將這一切事放在心上,詳細考究,就知道義人和智慧人,並他們的作為都在神手中;或是愛,或是恨,都在他們的前面,人不能知道。 ( KJV )  For all this I considered in my heart even to declare all this, that the righteous, and the wise, and their works,  are  in the hand of God: no man knoweth either love or hatred  by  all  that is  before them. ( NASB )  For I have taken all this to my heart, even to examine it all, that righteous people, wise people, and their deeds are in the hand of God. People do not know whether  it will be  love or hatred; anything awaits them. This would be in line with Ecclesiastes  1:11 Ecclesiastes 1:11 ( Chinese UV (T) )  已過的世代,無人記念;將來的世代,後來的人也不記念。 ( KJV )   There is  no remembrance of former  things;  neither shall there be  any remembrance of  things  that are to come with  those  that shall come after. 白爸爸也說,只有神才知道善惡與愛。祂是真正價值觀的定義者。