Some Of The "Imperfections” Of The Mosaic Law (the Book of Hebrews)

By Jimmy Lau on Hebrews

What Were Some Of The "Imperfections” Of The Mosaic Law?

1. High Priests: They were sinners and they died and therefore they kept on changing (Heb. 7:23-28). 

2. The Sacrifices: They needed to be done continually because they could not remove sin (10:2-4).

3. Redemption: The law revealed sin but offered no redemption (10:4).


1. A more EXCELLENT AND UNCHANGING HIGH PRIEST who is exalted in heaven (v.1).

2. An EXCELLENT SACRIFICE which cleanses away the sins of the world (10:10-14, 18; John 1:29).

3. IS SPIRITUAL: The Old Law was written in tables of stones; the New in the hearts (v.10).

4. BETTER KNOWLEDGE OF GOD: During the Jewish dispensation, the average Jew had only an exceedingly dim apprehension of religious truth, whether about God or the way to Him. But, under the New Covenant, they are clearly revealed (v.11).

5. MERCY: The Old Law condemned the transgressors; the New offers mercy and forgiveness (v.12).



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