Should I Forgive A Brother Who Won't Repent? (Don Blackwell) 我應該原諒一個不悔改的弟兄嗎?

Speaker: Don Blackwell

Scripture: Luke 17:1-3

Website: Willow Avenue Church of Christ


Mat 18:21  Then Peter came and said to Him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Mat 18:22  Jesus *said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
Mat 18:21  那時,彼得進前來,對耶穌說:「主啊,我弟兄得罪我,我當饒恕他幾次呢?到七次可以嗎?」
Mat 18:22  耶穌說:「我對你說,不是到七次,乃是到七十個七次。

Brethren, I want to suggest to you this morning that questions about forgiving a brother who has sinned against you is not a new thing. They existed even when the Lord was on this earth. And they are troubling enough that one of the apostles felt the need to come and ask Jesus directly about it.
弟兄們,今天早上我想向你們分享關於原諒得罪你們的弟兄的問題,這不是個新鮮的課題。 即使是耶穌在這個世上時,這問題也存在。他們很困擾,以至於其中一個使徒覺得有必要來直接向耶穌詢問這件事。

How frequently should I forgive my brother? I mean, my patience runs out sometimes. I mean, sometimes enough is enough. Where do I draw the line? Peter said, is seven times enough? You know, I've got the idea that Peter thought he was being pretty generous. That is, if my brother sins against me seven times surely that is a good place to draw the line. In fact, it is possible that Peter was drawing off of an idea that was being taught by some of the Jewish rabbis at that time based on a false assumption they had from Amos chapter 2 and verse 4. They taught that seven times was the limit. But I'm sure he was surprised when he heard Jesus's answer.  Because the Lord said, no, not seven times but 70 times seven. In Luke's account, Jesus said, and if he sins against you seven times in a day, you shall forgive him.

我應該多久原諒一次我的兄弟? 我的意思是,我的耐心有時會耗盡,有時已經受夠了。 我該在哪裡劃清界限? Peter說,七次夠嗎? 你知道嗎,我的想法是Peter認為自己已經很大方了。 也就是說,如果我的兄弟對我犯了七次罪,那肯定是劃下終點的好地方。 事實上,彼得可能借鑑了當時一些猶太拉比根據阿摩司書第2章和第4節的錯誤教導,產生了這樣的想法。 他們教導說,七次是極限。 但我確信,當他聽到耶穌的回答時,他很驚訝。 因為主說,「不,不是七次,而是70個七次。」在路加的敘述中,耶穌說,如果他一天得罪你七次,你仍應該原諒他。

What do you think about that? What if your brother sins against you seven times in the same day? 

你覺得呢? 如果你的兄弟在一天七次得罪了你?

Brethren, I have got to admit to you that would be challenging for me if somebody sinned against me seven times in the same day and came back and said, I'm sorry. I'm sorry they did it again. I'm sorry they said they did it again seven times in the same day, that would be hard. I ate lunch with a preacher friend a while back in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and he was telling me that when he was in college, he was preaching for a little congregation who did not have elders, and he said there arose a tremendous disagreement one day on the Lord's day, between two members of the congregation, and it broke into a fist fight right in front of the church building, and he said that he physically had to get between these two brothers and break them up. Don't you know there's going to be some forgiveness that has to take place there. And I've got the idea it is not going to be easy. 

兄弟們,我不得不向你們承認,如果有人在同一天對我犯了七次罪,然後回來說,我很抱歉,那對我來說將是一個挑戰。 我很難過他們又做錯了一次。 很難過他們在同一天內做錯了七次,那會很難去原諒。不久前,我在田納西州查塔努加和一位傳道人朋友共進午餐,他告訴我,在讀大學期間,他在一個沒有長老的小會眾佈道,有一天,在主日時,兩個會眾的成員之間產生了巨大的分歧,他們就在教堂大樓前爆發了一場拳打腳踢,他必須擋在這兩個兄弟之間,把他們拉開。 他們不知道那裡必須有原諒嗎? 我的想法是,原諒並不是容易的。

I want to focus this morning on a particular aspect of forgiveness, and that is a brother who refuses to repent. Should I, as a Christian, forgive my brother who will not repent? 

今天早上我想專注於一個特定的議題:原諒(饒恕),而且是原諒一個拒絕悔改的弟兄。 作為一個基督徒,我應該原諒我不悔改的弟兄嗎?

You know, I got a call one time from a member of the church, and he was very troubled. He said, Don, want to ask you a question. He said, my brother has grievously sinned against me. And he said he will not say he is sorry. He said his attitude was, live with it. I don't care what you think, just live with it. And this Christian man said, I know I should forgive him. I know that is the Christ like thing to do, he said, but I am having a hard time with it.

你知道嗎,有一次我接到一個教會成員的電話,他非常為難。 他說,「Don,我想問你個問題。」 他說,「我哥哥對我犯了重罪,而且他說他不會向我道歉。」 這位成員的態度本來是去接受它,不要管他哥哥怎麼想,就隨它去吧。 這位基督徒說,「我知道我應該原諒他,我知道這是一件像基督的行為,但我真的很難去做到。」

Sometimes there will be a murder case. You'll see a murder case on television, and maybe you'll see the media interview the family of this victim, and sometimes the killer shows no remorse whatsoever, but the family member will say something like this, I am a Christian, and so I'm going to forgive that person for abducting and raping and killing my little girl. In fact, sometimes they'll say something like this, because I'm a Christian, I forgave them the very moment that they have done it. 

有時會發生謀殺案,你會在電視上看到一起謀殺案,也許你會看到媒體採訪受害者的家人,有時兇手毫無悔意,但受害者的家人會說:「我是基督徒,所以我會原諒那個綁架、強姦和殺害我的小女兒的人。」 事實上,有時他們會說這樣的話:「就因為我是基督徒,我在他們這樣做的那一刻就原諒他們了。」

I have been in Bible classes over the years where members of the church have gotten into heated debate over this particular topic, should I forgive a brother who will not repent? And usually it goes something like this. Usually one side will argue, well, Christians are supposed to be forgiving people. Christians are not supposed to harbor grudges, and if we don't forgive them, then God won't forgive us, and then frequently, they will cite Matthew 6: 14, and 15, where the bible says Jesus said, For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you.

多年來,我一直參與聖經課,教會成員就這個特定話題展開過激烈的辯論,「我應該原諒一個不悔改的兄弟嗎? 」通常情況是這樣的,一方會爭辯說,好吧,基督徒應該原諒別人。 基督徒不應該懷恨在心,如果我們不原諒他們,那麼神就不會原諒我們,然後他們經常會引用馬太福音6:14, 15,耶穌說,你們饒恕人的過犯,你們的天父也必饒恕你們的過犯;你們不饒恕人的過犯,你們的天父也必不饒恕你們的過犯。

And so brethren, this is a question that needs to be answered. It's a question that comes up frequently, and it's something Christians need to know what does the bible say.  Now, before we answer this question, I want to define two terms, and I want to make a distinction for you this morning. 


The two terms are: number one, forgiveness and number two, forgiving spirit.

Forgiveness 原諒

Now first, forgiveness. Forgiveness means that you proclaim one blameless. You forget the offense that he has committed against you. That is, there is no blame. That is what God does to us when we repent.  If we are Christians, when we obey the gospel, that is what God does after we become children of God. When we sin, we pray to God and He forgives us. He forgets it, and we are blameless. In Hebrews, chapter 8 and verse 12, God said, I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their lawless deeds. I will remember no more. It is just as if it never happened. And in a similar sense, when I forgive someone who has sinned against me, I count him as blameless, and our relationship is going to be reconciled. We are in full fellowship. It is just as if it never happened.

首先,原諒。 原諒(寬恕)意味著你宣告一個人是無可指責的。 你不再記念他對你犯下的罪行。 也就是說,對方沒有責任了。這就是神在我們悔改時對我們所做的。如果我們是基督徒,當我們順服福音時,神在我們成為祂的孩子後抹去我們之前的罪。當我們成為基督徒後犯罪,向神祈禱,神會原諒我們。祂會忘記我們的過錯,使我們變成無可指責的。在希伯來書第8章第12節中,神說,「我要寬恕他們的不義,不再記念他們的罪愆。」就好像它從未發生過一樣。 同樣的,當我原諒一個得罪我的人時,我認定他在這件事上是無可指責的,我們的關係會和好。 我們會處在完全的相交/團契中,就好像這個罪從未發生過一樣。

Forgiving Spirit 原諒的態度

Now for the second term, and that is forgiving spirit. Brethren, forgiving spirit is different. A forgiving spirit means that you are willing to forgive. You have a forgiving attitude, and you are ready to forgive at any moment. Hasn't happened yet, but you're ready at the drop of a hat. This is Nehemiah, chapter 9, and verse 17. The bible says about God. God is a God who is ready to pardon. And that's what we're talking about. A forgiving spirit is one that is ready to pardon.

第二個詞是,原諒/寬恕的態度。 弟兄們,「原諒的態度」和「原諒」是不同的。 原諒的態度意味著你願意寬恕。 你有寬容的態度,隨時準備原諒。原諒還沒有發生,但你早有準備去原諒了。 這就是尼希米書第9章和第17節所說的,神的特質。 神是一個隨時準備赦免,樂意饒恕人的神。 這就是我們正在談論的。 原諒的態度是懷著一個準備饒恕的心。

Question 1: Should I forgive a brother who will not repent? 

All right, let's answer the question this morning, should I forgive a brother who will not repent?  Brethren, the answer to that question is, no, I should not. 

好吧,讓我們今天早上回答這個問題,我應該原諒一個不悔改的兄弟嗎? 弟兄們,這個問題的答案是,「不,我不應該。」

Now, what I want to do is I want to delve into the bible and look at the reasons. Why should I not forgive a brother who will not repent? 

現在,我們深入地研究聖經,看看其中的原因。 我為什麼不原諒一個不悔改的兄弟呢?

  • First, Forgiveness is conditional. 

Here is the first point this morning. If I forgive a brother who won't repent, then I make forgiveness unconditional. Brethren. Is that what the bible teaches? Does the bible teach that forgiveness is unconditional? No, it absolutely does not. 

這是今天早上的第一點。 如果我原諒一個不悔改的兄弟,那麼我就無條件地原諒他。 兄弟們。 這是聖經所教導的嗎? 聖經是否教導原諒是無條件的? 不,絕對不是。

Many people think that's what they see in Matthew chapter 6 and verse 14, the Lord said, For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you, and they will also further cite Mark chapter 11 and verse 25.  It teaches the same thing Jesus said, And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive them that your heavenly Father may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive them, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses. And so they say, I've got to forgive a brother. If I don't forgive him, if I'm harboring anything that I haven't forgiven, then God is not going to forgive me. 


Brethren, do these passages teach that a Christian should unconditionally give forgiveness, and that if we don't do that, we will not be forgiven by God? You know, one thing that we need to keep in mind before answering this question is that you've got to get all of the pieces of a puzzle before you can have the full picture. Now, what do I mean by that? Before I tell you that, I got to tell you this, because I thought about it.

弟兄們,這些經文是否教導基督徒應該無條件地給予原諒,如果我們不這樣做,就不會得到神的饒恕? 你知道嗎,在回答這個問題之前,我們需要記住,你必須得到拼圖的所有碎片,然後才能獲得全貌。 這是什麼意思? 在我回答你之前,讓我先跟你分享一件事。

Sherry recently went out and she bought 1,000 pieces puzzle of Nancy Drew books. She liked Nancy Drew books when she was a kid, so she bought this Nancy Drew puzzle.  For weeks, she's been working on it, and she got almost to the very end. And I told you before we have two cats, you can guess what happened. She got this puzzle put together, and she's missing three pieces. She was planning on framing it and hanging it in her sewing room, but thanks to our two cats, we don't have the rest of the puzzle anyway. That has nothing to do with this illustration. The illustration is this. 

雪莉最近買了1000塊的南希·德魯書的拼圖。 她小時候喜歡南希·德魯的書,所以她買了這個南希·德魯的拼圖。 幾周來,她一直在努力拼著,幾乎到了最後的部分。 不過這是在我們養了兩隻貓之前,我告訴你,你可以猜到發生了什麼事吧。她把這個拼圖拼在一起,但少了三塊。 她打算把它裝裱起來,掛在她的縫紉室裡,但多虧了我們的兩隻貓,少了最後的三片拼圖。 我想要引出下面的話。

I want you to imagine that you go out and you buy 1,000 pieces puzzle, and you pick up one piece of the puzzle and has a picture of a horse on it, just a little, small horse. And you go out and tell people, well, I've got a puzzle that is a picture of a horse. Is that an accurate representation? Not at all. This one piece of the puzzle has a horse on it. You don't know what the rest of the puzzle is going to be until you put it together. Or if you look at the box, you could find out. Now, from that, I want to give you this illustration. If you dump it on the table and you put all of the pieces together, when you get finished, you will have a full picture. Brethren, the bible is the same way. 

請想像一下,你買了1000塊拼圖,你拿起一塊碎片,上面有一張馬的照片,一匹小馬。然後你去告訴人們:我有一個拼圖,是一張馬的照片。那是一個準確的描述嗎? 一點也不。 這一塊拼圖上有一匹馬,但除非你把剩下的拼圖拼湊起來,否則你不知道其餘的部分是什麼。 當然除非你看到盒子封面,你才知道全貌。 從現在開始,我想給你一個拼圖的全貌。 如果你把碎片倒在桌子上,把它們拼在一起,當你拼完後,你就會得到一個完整的畫面。 弟兄們,聖經也是如此。

You can't pull a couple of verses out of the bible on the subject of forgiveness, and assume that you know all that it has to say about this subject. 


What you've got to do is pull all of the passages on the subject of forgiveness, and then you get a full picture. In fact, that's true of everything. You can't pull one verse about salvation. You can’t pull a verse that says repentance is for the remission of sins, and say, well, that's all you've got to do. It doesn't work that way. You've got to get all the bible says on a subject so that you can get the full puzzle put together. 

你必須做的是拉出所有關於原諒主題的經文,然後你就會得到一個完整的畫面。 事實上,一切主題都是如此。 你不能拉出一節關於救恩的經文,說悔改是為了赦罪,然後就斷定悔改就是唯一必須做的事。不是這樣的。 你必須理解聖經中關於一個主題的所有經文,然後才能把整個拼圖拼在一起。

For example, let me, let me give you an illustration of this. If you want to read about the story of Jesus's arrest, you can go to Matthew and Mark, and they teach us that there was one who drew his sword and he cut off the ear of the high priest servant. You can read that in Matthew 26:51 and Mark 14:47.  From this one piece of the puzzle, you have no idea whose ear got cut off, but if you read John's account, you learn that it was the right ear of a man whose name was Malchus,. JY: John 18:10)

讓我給你一個例子。 如果你想閱讀耶穌被捕的故事,你可以去找馬太和馬可福音,它們告訴我們,有一個人拔出刀,砍掉了大祭司僕人的耳朵。 你可以在馬太福音26:51和馬可福音14:47中讀到。 但是從以上的碎片中,你不知道誰的耳朵被砍掉了,但如果你又讀了約翰福音的敘述,你就會知道這是一個叫馬勒古的人的右耳, (JY: 約翰福音18:10)

If you read John's account in John 18:10, we learned that it was the apostle Peter who was swinging the sword. Now what's the point when you read all four gospel accounts? You learn all the names, you read the total incident, and you have the full picture of that event. If you don't have all of the pieces of the puzzle, you don't have the full picture.

如果你讀了約翰在約翰福音18:10中的敘述,我們知道是使徒彼得在揮刀。 為什麼要讀所有四個福音書關於這件事的描述?因為你就會知道了所有人的名字,讀到了整起事件,也瞭解了這件事的全貌。 如果你沒有拼圖的所有碎片,你得不到全貌。

You see the religious world makes this mistake all the time, because they base their entire belief system, sometimes on one or two verses. Frequently, you will hear them pick a verse that relates to believing or faith, and they ignore all the passages that relate to obedience. And they will say, well, the bible teaches faith only. And so what I'm saying is this, let's get the full picture about forgiving a brother. 

宗教世界總是在犯這種錯誤,因為他們的整個信仰體系有時只是基於一兩節經文。 經常,你會聽到人們只選擇與信仰或信心有關的經節,而忽略了所有與順服有關的其他經文。 他們會說,你看,聖經只教導信心 因此,讓我們瞭解一下原諒一個兄弟的全貌吧。

  • Second, Luke 17:3-4 tells us the condition is “repentance.”

Now I want to begin this morning. I want you to open your bibles to Luke, chapter 17 and verse number three. Luke 17 and verse three. This is what the bible says, Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him. And if he repents, forgive him. Here are two pieces of the puzzle that you don't get from Matthew and you don't get for Mark. First, if a brother sins against you, you are supposed to rebuke Him. That is, you go to him and you point out the fact that he has wronged you. Secondly, the Bible says if he repents, then you are supposed to forgive him, but I want you to notice that the bible makes his forgiveness conditional. 

請你打開你的聖經,讀路加福音第17章第三節。 路加福音17章第三節說,「你們要謹慎!若是你的弟兄得罪你,就勸戒他;他若懊悔,就饒恕他。」這裡的兩塊拼圖,你無法從馬太福音,也無法從馬可福音那裡得到。 首先,如果一個兄弟對你犯了罪,你應該勸戒他。 也就是說,你去找他,指出他得罪了你。 其次,聖經說,如果他悔改了,那麼你應該原諒他,我希望你已經注意到,聖經規定一個人的原諒是有條件的。

First, you rebuke him. If he repents, you forgive him. And if I forgive a brother who doesn't repent, then I'm making forgiveness unconditional, and the Bible does not teach that. 

首先,你勸戒他。 如果他悔了,你就原諒他。 如果我原諒一個不悔改的兄弟,那麼我就使原諒變成無條件的,而《聖經》並非如此教導。

Here's the second point, if I forgive a brother who won't repent, not only am I making forgiveness unconditional, I'm in direct violation of Luke chapter 17, verses three and four.

Now again, Luke 17 and verse three says there are two things that must take place prior to forgiving a brother. Number one, I have to rebuke Him. Number two, he has to repent. And if that doesn't occur, and I forgive him anyway, I am I'm actually going against this passage. 

現在再讀一遍,路加福音17章第三節說,在原諒兄弟之前,必須做兩件事。 第一,我必須勸戒他。 第二,他必須懊悔。 如果這種情況沒有發生,而我無論如何都原諒他,我實際上違背了這段經文。

Brethren, it is not an optional thing for me to just forgive if I want to. I can't just do that. I have to follow what the word of God says. If I forgive just because I want to and I ignore this passage, that is causing me to sin.

弟兄們,原諒並不是我可以任意選擇的。 我不能那樣做。 我必須遵守神的話語。 如果我原諒只是因為我想原諒,而忽略了這段經文,那會導致我犯罪。

Friends, the word ‘if’ is a very powerful word, a very powerful word in the bible. For instance, First John, chapter one and verse seven says, if we walk in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us. What if we don't walk in the light? Then there is no cleansing. You see, it is conditional. The word if makes it conditional. Now, sometimes people will say this, well, Don, Jesus forgave the people who sinned against him when they were crucifying Him. They didn't repent, but he forgave them. In Luke, chapter 23 and verse 34 where Jesus was hanging on the cross, and He said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do, and they will say they didn't repent but Jesus forgave them, and I need to be like Jesus. 

朋友們,如果/若是一個非常有力的詞。 例如,約翰一書第一章第七節說,我們若在光明中行,如同神在光明中,就彼此相交,他兒子耶穌的血也洗淨我們一切的罪。如果我們不在光明中行走呢? 就沒有得洗淨了。 你看,這是有條件的。 If 這個詞使潔淨成為有條件的。 有時人們會這樣說,「好吧,Don,耶穌在釘十字架上時赦免了那些得罪祂的人。 他們沒有悔改,但祂饒恕了他們。 在路加福音第23章第34節中,耶穌被掛在十字架上,祂說,父啊!赦免他們;因為他們所做的,他們不曉得。」他們說那些人沒有悔改,但耶穌原諒了他們,所以我需要像耶穌一樣。

Friends, don't you ever believe that argument. Jesus had a forgiving spirit, and Jesus was ready to forgive them, but they were not forgiven at that point. And I know that because when you get to Acts chapter two and verse 23, Peter indicts those who crucified Christ. He said, you have crucified the Christ. You have crucified the Son of God. And in Acts chapter two and verse 38 he told them, in order to be forgiven, they must repent and they must be baptized

朋友們,絕對不要相信那個論點。耶穌有饒恕的精神,耶穌準備原諒他們,但那時他們並沒有得到原諒。我知道這一點,因為當我們讀到《使徒行傳》第二章第23節時,彼得控告了那些把基督釘在十字架上的人。 他說,你們把基督釘在十字架上。你們把神的兒子釘在十字架上了。 在《使徒行傳》第二章第38節中,他告訴他們:「你們各人要悔改,奉耶穌基督的名受洗,叫你們的罪得赦。」

Brethren, Luke, chapter 17, verse three ought to settle this question for us. He says, if your brother sins against you, rebuke him. And if he repents, forgive him. But if Luke chapter 17 and verse three, doesn't convince you. Listen to Luke, chapter 17 and verse four, and if he sins against you seven times in a day and seven times in a day, turns again to you and says, I repent. You shall forgive him. That is, if he sins against you, and if he repents, you forgive him. If he sins against you again and if he repents, you forgive him. If this has happened seven times, you forgive him over and over and over, conditional upon the fact that he continues to repent.

弟兄們,路加福音,第17章第三節應該為我們解決了這個問題。「它說,若是你的弟兄得罪你,就勸戒他;他若懊悔,就饒恕他。」但如果路加福音第17章第三節仍沒有說服你。 聽聽路加福音第17章第四節:「倘若他一天七次得罪你,又七次回轉,說:『我懊悔了』,你總要饒恕他。也就是說,如果他得罪了你,他若悔改了,你就原諒他。 如果他再得罪你,他若悔改,你就原諒他。」 如果這種情況已經發生了七次,你要一次又一次地原諒他,條件是他有繼續懊悔的事實。

  • Third, If I forgive a man who won't repent, then I make myself more forgiving than God is.

Here's point number three.  If I forgive a man who won't repent, then I make myself more forgiving than God is. Friends, God is the perfect pattern for forgiveness. Nehemiah, chapter nine and verse 17 says, You are a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abundant in kindness. Joel, chapter two and verse 13 says, return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger of great kindness, and he relents from doing harm. Jonah, chapter four and verse two, so Jonah prayed to the Lord, and he said, Our Lord was this not what I said when I was still in my country. Therefore, I fled previously to Tarshish, for I know that you are a gracious and a merciful God, slow to anger and abundant and loving kindness, one who relents from doing harm. Why did Jonah say that? Jonah said I knew that if I went and I preached to the people in Nineveh, I knew what was going to happen. I knew they would end up repenting, and I knew that you would forgive them. And Jonah wasn't happy about that. He didn't want them forgiven, but he preached to them because God forced it on him. And then what happened? They repented in sackcloth and ashes, and God forgave them. 

這是第三點: 如果我原諒一個不悔改的人,那麼我似乎認為自己比神更寬容。朋友們,神是寬恕的完美典範。尼希米書第九章第17節說「你是樂意饒恕人,有恩典,有憐憫,不輕易發怒,有豐盛慈愛的神。」約珥書第二章第13節說:「歸向耶和華你們的神;因為他有恩典,有憐憫,不輕易發怒,有豐盛的慈愛,並且後悔不降所說的災。」所以在約拿書第四章第二節,約拿向神祈禱:「耶和華啊,我在本國的時候豈不是這樣說嗎?我知道你是有恩典、有憐憫的神,不輕易發怒,有豐盛的慈愛,並且後悔不降所說的災,所以我急速逃往他施去。」約拿為什麼這麼說? 約拿說:「我知道如果我去向尼尼微的人們傳道,會發生什麼。 我知道他們最終會悔改,神會原諒他們。」約拿對此並不高興。 他並不希望他們被原諒,他向他們傳道是因為神強迫他這樣做。 然後發生了什麼事呢?尼尼微人穿著麻布和坐在灰中悔改,然後神饒恕了他們。

Brethren, over and over and over again, what you will find is examples of God's wonderful forgiveness.  But listen to this.  God's forgiveness is always, always conditional.  Ladies and gentlemen, there is no better forgiver than God, but it is inconsistent with his nature to forgive one who will not repent. And so for me to say, well, I'll just forgive that person who isn't repenting. That is making me inconsistent with the forgiving nature of God. 

弟兄們,一次又一次,你會發現是神美妙饒恕的例子。 但是注意這點,神的饒恕永遠是有條件的。 女士們,先生們,沒有比神更好的寬恕者了,但寬恕一個不悔改的人不符合祂的本性。 因此,我若說,好吧,我會原諒那個不悔改的人。這讓我與神寬容的本性不一致。

Ephesians, chapter four and verse 32 says, Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you. What that means is I'm supposed to forgive as God forgives. 


And so in that murder case, when you've got that family member who stands there in front of that impenitent murderer, that killer, that rapist, and they say, Well, I forgive him because I want to be like God. You know what? God doesn't forgive him. You are suggesting that you are a better forgiver than God, and friends, that is a misunderstanding of the bible.

因此,在謀殺案中,當你有家人站在那個不悔改的殺人犯、強姦犯面前時,他們說,「好吧,我原諒他,因為我想像神一樣。」你知道嗎? 神不會原諒他。 你在暗示你比神更能寬恕,朋友們,這是對聖經的誤解。

  • Fourth, If I forgive a brother who hasn't repented, I'm ignoring the instructions of Matthew chapter 18.

Next, if I forgive a brother who hasn't repented, I'm ignoring the instructions of Matthew chapter 18. Now listen to this. I'm going to read this Matthew 18, beginning in verse 15, says, Moreover, if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. This will be the same thing as Luke, chapter 17 and verse three, that is, you go and rebuke him. If he hears you, that is, he responds positively and he repents, you have gained your brother. 

接著,如果我原諒一個沒有悔改的兄弟,我就忽略了馬太福音第18章的教導。 請注意,現在我要讀馬太福音第18章,從第15節開始:「倘若你的弟兄得罪你,你就去,趁著只有他和你在一處的時候,指出他的錯來。」這與路加福音第17章第三節一樣,你要去勸戒他。 如果他聽你的話,也就是他做出了正面的回應,他懊悔了,那你就得了你的兄弟。

Once again, we have the bible teaching that repentance is required. If he will not hear you, that is, he does not respond positively and he will not repent. What are you supposed to do? What do you do? Then listen to the next verse, verse 16. If he will not hear you, take one or two with you that by the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established. And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses to hear the church, let him be unto you as a heathen and a tax collector.  

再一次,聖經教導說需要悔改。如果他不聽你的話,也就是他不做出正面的回應,也不悔改。 那你應該做什麼? 怎麼做? 聽聽接下來的,第1617節。 「他若不聽,你就另外帶一兩個人同去,要憑兩三個人的口作見證,句句都可定準。若是不聽他們,就告訴教會;若是不聽教會,就看他像外邦人和稅吏一樣。」

Friends, the bible tells us what to do if a brother won't repent, and it's not just forgive him anyway. The bible doesn't say, Well, if he won't repent, don't worry about it, just move on, just, just let it be. 

朋友們,聖經告訴我們,如果兄弟不悔改該怎麼辦,無論如何,不是就原諒他就算了。 聖經沒有說:「好吧,如果他不悔改,不要擔心,繼續前進,就讓它這樣。」

As a matter of fact, if you do that, you show a very low regard for his soul. Why do I say that? Because when you forgive him and he hasn't repented, you're pretending the sin is gone when it's not.  What is the goal of Matthew chapter 18?  The ultimate goal is to help a brother to come out of sin. 

事實上,如果你那樣做,你非常不看重他的靈魂。 我為什麼這麼說? 因為當你原諒他時,他還沒有悔改,你假裝他的罪已經消失了,然而,罪並沒有消失。馬太福音第18章的目標是什麼? 最終目標是幫助兄弟離棄罪惡。

And the Lord says to do that, you follow these steps. First you go to him alone. Why do you do that? Why do you go to him alone instead of telling your friends and getting on the phone and calling everyone and texting everyone, you go to him alone, because this is gossip control. You want to fix this and keep it private. If he will not hear you, then you're going to tell one or two while you're still trying to keep this as small as possible. You don't want to spread it, if you can help it. If he won't hear them, then it's ultimately going to have to go to the church. You weren't able to keep it quiet, and so now the whole church is working on this. 

主說要這樣做,你要遵循這些步驟。 首先,你單獨去找他。 為什麼那樣做? 你為什麼一個人去找他,而不是告訴你的朋友,給每個人打電話,給每個人發簡訊。你單獨去找他,因為不要變成講八卦。 你想解決這個問題,並保護他的隱私。 如果他不聽你的話,那麼你才告訴另外一兩個人,但仍試圖儘可能地把事情維持在小群體內。 如果可以的話,你不去傳播它。 但如果他也不聽他們的話,那麼最終就得告訴教會了。你無法再保持靜默,因為現在整個教會都要為了幫助他離開罪惡而努力。

  • Fifth, if a brother won’t hear the church, we withdraw from him. 

Ultimately, if he won't hear the church, you withdraw from him. Why? First Corinthians, First Corinthians five, and verse five says this, that his soul may be saved in the day of the Lord.  Ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of this is to save his soul. 

最後,如果他不聽教會的話,你就疏遠他。為什麼? 哥林多前書第五章第五節這樣說,「使他的靈魂在主耶穌的日子可以得救」。 女士先生們,這是為了拯救他的靈魂。

So let's rewind this a little bit. Your brother has sinned against you, and you go to him, and he just ignores you. And so you go home and you think to yourself, well, as a Christian, I ought to just forgive him and just move on. If you do that, you shut the whole process down. He continues in sin, and then he eventually may lose his soul and go to hell. And what you've said is, so be it.  Brethren, that's not right. That's not what the bible teaches. 

所以讓我們複習一下,你的弟兄得罪了你,你去找他,若他就是忽略你,然後你回家告訴自己說:「好吧,作為一個基督徒,我應該原諒他,繼續往前走。」可是如果你那樣做,你就中斷了應走的程序。 結果他繼續犯罪,然後最終可能失去靈魂、下地獄。 你只是說,就這樣吧?弟兄們,這樣不對的。這不是聖經所教導的。

Question 2 : Is it okay for a Christian to harbor a grudge? 

Now let's answer some questions. Two questions. 

  • First, NO, we are to pray for the brother and encourage him to repent. 

Number one, is it okay for a Christian to harbor a grudge? Somebody says, Don, do you mean to tell me it's okay for a Christian just to have a grudge, just to harbor a grudge against someone? No, we're not saying that at all. 

第一,基督徒懷恨在心可以嗎? 有人說「Don,你是想告訴我,一個基督徒可以就這樣對某人懷恨在心嗎?」不,我們根本不是這個意思。

To harbor a grudge is to do something that is simply not Christian. The definition of a grudge is to harbor ill will or resentment. Synonyms are bitterness and hatred. You know, sometimes with a grudge, a person is even looking for an opportunity to get even or to take revenge. 

懷恨在心根本不是基督徒該做的事情。 懷恨的定義是懷有惡意或恨意。 同義詞是苦澀和敵意。 你知道嗎,有時懷恨在心,會使得一個人甚至尋找討公道或復仇的機會。

Listen to me, those type of feelings are never right for a Christian, not before forgiveness, not after forgiveness. I think sometime people get confused in this area because they equate harboring ill will and hateful feelings with not forgiving, and those are not the same thing. 

請聽我說,這種懷恨對基督徒來說從來都是不恰當的,不論是在饒恕之前,或在饒恕之後。 我認為有時人們在這方面會感到困惑,因為他們將「懷有惡意和仇恨情緒」與「不原諒」劃上等號,然而,這是不同的。

If my brother won't repent, Luke 17, and verse three says, I am not to forgive him. But that does not mean that it's okay to hate him in my heart and to wish ill toward him. In fact, First John, chapter three and verse 15 says, Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. The second greatest commandment is to love your brother as yourself, Matthew, 22:39. 

如果我的弟兄不悔改,路加福音17章第三節說,我不能原諒他。 但這並不意味著我可以在心裡恨他,並希望他不好過。 事實上,約翰一書第三章第15節說:「凡恨他弟兄的,就是殺人的;你們曉得凡殺人的,沒有永生存在他裡面。」第二大的誡命是「愛人如己」,馬太福音22:39

And so if my brother sins against me and he won't repent, I don't forgive him, but I don't hate him. I don't entertain thoughts in my mind of evil things happening to him. I don't run him down and speak wicked of him every chance I get.  My heart is not consumed with resentment, but I can't just let the sin go and pretend it's not there until he makes it right, because I want him to go to heaven.
因此,如果我的兄弟得罪了我,他若不悔改,我不能原諒他,但我不會恨他。 我不會在腦海中希望邪惡的事情發生在他身上。我不會一有機會就把他打倒,並說他的壞話。我的心沒有被怨恨所吞噬,但我不能放過罪惡,不會假裝罪不在那裡,除非這位弟兄糾正它,因為我希望他去天堂。

You see, a Christian can't let it eat him up. He can't let it consume him. What he's going to do is he's going to pray for that individual, and he's going to be kind, and he's going to encourage the person to repent, but he's not going to pretend that it's gone.


  • Second, if he is a non-Christian, we want them to obey the gospel first.

Here's the next question, what about non-Christians? Every time I've ever taught on this or dealt with this, done a sermon on this, somebody always says, what about non-Christians? Don, we've been talking about a brother sinning against us, but what if it's a non-Christian who sins against us? 

下一個問題是,非基督徒呢? 每次我教導或處理這個議題,或講原諒的道時,總有人問,「非基督徒怎麼辦?唐,我們一直在談論一個兄弟得罪了我們,但如果是一個非基督徒得罪我們呢?」

Well, the principle is the same, but the procedure is not, God will not forgive anyone who will not repent. That is true of a Christian. That is true of a non-Christian. 

And so if I'm going to forgive like God, then I'm not going to forgive a non-Christian who won't repent. 

But here's the difference. With the Christian who won't repent, we have a pattern to follow, that is Matthew chapter 18, and ultimately he will be withdrawn from. That does not apply to non-Christians, and I know that because First Corinthians five, verses 10 and 11 specifically say that. 


What we have with the non-Christian is we hope that ultimately they're going to repent and become Christians. But here's the thing, that non-Christian is not lost simply because of their sin against me. They were lost anyway. They were lost even before that. And so there is something bigger. I want them to obey the gospel. And so ultimately, that is what I'm working to in the end.


Forgiveness is always conditional 


Brethren, forgiveness is always conditional. If I forgive without repentance, I violate Luke, 17, three and four, I make myself more forgiving than God and I ignore the process that the Lord has laid out in Matthew chapter , take heed to yourselves. 


If a brother sins against you, rebuke him. And if he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times in a day, seven times in a day, he returns to you saying, I repent. You shall forgive him. If I will do that, then God will always forgive me when I repent.





Together: Forgive One Another