Why Worship

by Jimmy Lau

If worship is boring to you, the first place you must look is inside yourself. Don’t look at the preacher. Don’t look at the worship service. Don’t look at others. Look at yourself! Ask yourself why you find worship boring? Check your spiritual health. Have you been constant in prayer the past six days? Have you been meditating on the word of God during the past six days at home? Have you been living the Christian lifestyle the past six days? Have you prepared yourself to come to church on time for worship? Have you made up your mind to sing, pray, and listen attentively in the worship? You see, you will only get out of your worship services what you have put into it.
Why should we be glad to go to church?
  1. Because God is there. 1 Timothy 3:15
  2. Because we want to worship God. Psalm 122:1
  3. Because God expects us to be there. Hebrews 10:25
  4. Because we want to encourage our brethren. Hebrews 10:24
  5. Because we want to encourage the elders, preachers and teachers. Hebrews 13:17
  6. Because we want to set a good example for others. Matthew 18:6
  7. Because we want to bond with our Christian family members.  Acts 2:42-44
  8. Because we want to grow in the faith. Romans 10:17
  9. Because the elders, preachers, and other members expect us to be there. Hebrews 13:17
  10. Because we want to go to heaven. Revelation 2:10
  11. Because we want our children to go to heaven. Genesis 18:19
  12. Because in heaven the redeemed of God worship Him. Revelation 15:3, 4



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