The Father as a Husband

Corey Sawyers

Someone says, "Okay, I see the importance of being a husband who submits to the Lord by submitting to my wife. What does that have to do with fatherhood?" It is important for three reasons:

FOR OUR SONS' SAKE. We are modelling for them what kind of husband and father to be.

FOR OUR DAUGHTERS' SAKE. We are modelling for them what kind of man they should look for in a husband.

FOR THE LORD'S SAKE. Our sons' and daughters' view of God will be directly affected by us. Their Father in Heaven will be skewed based on what kind of father they have on earth. Furthermore, their view of Jesus and His relationship with the church will be directly affected by the way we treat our brides.

Submission in any relationship involves the same spirit but is expressed differently depending on the relationship. A husband and a wife do not submit to one another in the same way that a child does a father. Nevertheless, the spirit of humility and putting others before self is a must in a marriage relationship. That must begin with us, fathers. As Julius said in Remember The Titans, "Attitude reflects leadership. So, dads, be the kind of leaders your family needs! Be submissive! Be the husband your wife - and your children - need you to be, and that the Almighty commands you to be! Love! 



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