Why Are There So Many Churches


From: TFTW Bible College

Why are there so many churches when a perfect God has already created a perfect one?!

If we use simple logic, we can understand that a church was either created by God or by man. If a church is not the one we read about in the New Testament, the one created by God, the one purchased by God, then it must therefore be created by man. 

That would explain why there are so many churches. The more men you have, the more ideas for what they want out of a church. The more ideas for what they want out of a church, the more churches you have. In short, we have so many churches because they were built to serve what man wants, not what God wants! That also explains why their doctrines change from year to year. Since they were built upon the desires of men, they must change their doctrines to accommodate the desires of men as the desires of men change! Whatever is desirable or popular determines the doctrine of these churches, not the truth! Men have not stayed loyal to God. Just like in the days of Hosea, they have skipped away to play the whore with other gods and religions.



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