Practical ways to develop a better prayer life 發展更好禱告生活的實際方法


Source: Lisa Kennedy during Ladies Class (JCOC)  英文來源:Lisa Kennedy於姐妹查經班的分享(裕廊基督的教會英文部) 

§  Write your prayer list on a whiteboard 把禱告事項寫在白板上

§  Use a prayer journal 使用禱告筆記本

§  Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to pray 用您的手機設鬧鐘提醒自己禱告

§  to Keep a prayer list on your phone 在您的手機裡紀錄禱告清單

§  Ask people what you can pray about 請問人們您能為他們禱告什麼

§  Post scripture about prayer around your home 在家裡貼上禱告的經文

§  Pray with your family (your children and your husband) 和家人(孩子與丈夫)一起禱告



Spend time thinking about specific things to pray about 花時間思考為特定的事情禱告:

§  Kids 為孩子禱告


1.             Grow up to be Christians 成長為基督徒

2.             Marry Christians 和基督徒結婚

3.             To be servants 成為服事者

4.             To be kind and joyful 恩慈且喜樂

5.             To love God’s Word and His church 愛神的話和祂的教會

6.             To strive to be deacons/elders/preachers/missionaries (or wives) 努力成為執事/長老/傳道人/福音工作者(或他們的妻子)


§  Husband 為丈夫禱告

1.             Lead the family 領導家庭

2.             Desire to be a man of God 渴望成為屬神的人

3.             Handle the stress of work/responsibilities 能處理工作/責任的壓力

§  Deacons, Elders, Ministers, Missionaries 為教會的執事、長老、行政人員、傳教士禱告

§  Non-Christians around you 為您周圍的非信徒禱告

1.          Opportunities to be a light 有機會成為他們的光

2.          Soft hearts and good soil 他們能有柔軟的心與(福音種子成長)的好土壤


§  Government officials 為執政者禱告

1.             Wisdom in leadership 領導的智慧

2.             Peace 和平

3.             Free spread of the gospel 傳福音的自由


§  Do a Bible study about prayer 研讀有關禱告的經節


This Bible study is a daily Bible reading schedule to read every prayer in the Bible in a year 這網站提供每日閱讀聖經中一個禱告的年計劃表


§  Vary your prayer routine 改變您的禱告習慣

§  Find things to pray about in the “everyday” 在「日常生活」中找到禱告的事項

1.   While I bake bread for a friend or a neighbor, I can pray for them. 當我為朋友或鄰居烤麵包時,可以為他們禱告。

2.   While I wash dishes, I can pray for the loved ones who ate with me. 當我洗碗時,我可以為剛與我用餐的我所愛的人禱告。

3.   When I sit down to read God’s Word, I can ask for guidance & thank Him for the Bible. 當我坐下來讀神的話時,我可以祈求指引,並感謝祂賜給我聖經。

4.   When I’m doing homework, I can thank God for my teachers and my ability to learn. 當我做功課時,我可以為我的老師,及我的學習能力來感謝神。

5.   When I write a note to someone in my congregation, I can pray for that person. 當我寫信給教會中的某人時,可以為他禱告。

6.   When I’m working outside, I can thank God for my strength and health. 當我在外工作時,我可以為我的體力與健康感謝神。

7.   When I see a beautiful sunset, I can praise God for the beauty of His creation. 當我看到美麗的夕陽時,我可以為祂創造的美好而讚美神。

8.   When I fold the laundry, I can thank Him for the many blessings of life. 當我折衣服時,我可以為生活的許多福氣感謝祂。

9.   When I see an ambulance speeding by, I can pray for the sick or injured involved. 當我看到救護車疾駛過時,我可以為其中的病患或傷者禱告。



Should I Forgive A Brother Who Won't Repent? (Don Blackwell) 我應該原諒一個不悔改的弟兄嗎?


Together: Forgive One Another