How To Live Faithfully - Virtue

 From: TFTW Bible Collge

Virtue can be defined as “moral excellence.”  In essence, we are talking about what is right.  We need to add to our faith that which is morally good and right.  How do we know what is good?  It is good when it is approved of by God.

The Bible is our source of learning what is approved of by God. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17) What we learn, how we correct ourselves, and how we know to do good works all come from the Bible. Once again, we need to be studying, learning, and then putting good works into practice.

Looking for what is right is one thing, but we also need to be open to receive it. Some people sit and hear a preacher stating that the Bible says they need to stop doing something and the people say “Amen,” stating that they agree. But, then they go out into the world and keep on doing it. Jesus said, “Take heed therefore how ye hear:” (Luke 8:18) Hearing and learning what is virtuous is only part. We need to let what is virtuous transform our lives. Knowing what is right doesn’t help if we can’t put it into practice!



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