What is Living Faithfully? 什麼是忠實地生活?


From: TFTW Bible Collge

The Bible says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) We get a biblical faith by basing it on biblical evidence, the word of God. We do not construct our faith in our own feelings and ideas. If we place our faith in that, then we are just putting our faith in our own faith, and not the truth of God’s word. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) Biblical faith is not blind faith but is based on evidence. In previous lessons we have seen the evidence for the existence of God, that the Bible is the communication from Him, and so forth. Our Christian faith must come by hearing and obeying the word of God!

聖經說:“可見信道是從聽道來的,聽道是從基督的話來的。” (羅馬書10:17)我們透過基於聖經證據,即上帝的話語來獲得聖經信仰。 我們不會對自己的感受和想法建立信念。 如果我們相信這一點,那麼我們只是相信自己的信仰,而不是上帝的話語的真理。 “信就是所望之事的實底,是未見之事的確據。” (希伯來書11:1)聖經信仰不是盲目的信仰,而是基於證據。 在之前的教訓中,我們看到了神存在的證據,聖經是來自祂的溝通,等等。 我們的基督教信仰必須透過聆聽和服從神的話語而來!

Therefore, a Christian must be a follower of Christ that is full of the faith that based on the word of God, a believer in that word, and one who practices the teachings of Jesus. A Christian is one who stays true to the example of life Jesus gave us and does not stray away from the Bible. That person will be a faithful Christian.

因此,基督徒必須是基督的追隨者,充滿基於神話語的信仰,是該話語的信徒,以及實踐耶穌教導的人。 基督徒是忠於耶穌賦予我們的生活榜樣,不會偏離聖經的人。 那個人將是一個忠實的基督徒。



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