1 Cor. 7 about marriage

From:  https://www.focuspress.org/2022/01/13/1-corinthians-7-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-does/

Here’s a couple of points we need to consider:

Point #1: Marital intimacy is about more than just the sexual act. It’s about more than coercion or manipulation just to receive self-gratifying pleasure.

Point #2: A sex-starved marriage does not make pornography right. Period.

Point #3: A sex-starved marriage may be the result of YOU not cherishing your spouse outside the bedroom.

Point #4: A sex-starved marriage does not give one party the right to dishonor the marriage bed through adultery. You are still charged to keep the marriage bed pure (Hebrews 13:4).

Point #5: A sex-starved marriage is not grounds for divorce and remarriage.

Point #6: 1 Corinthians 7 is not all the Bible has to say about sex and marriage. Spend some time looking at what Ephesians 5, 1 Corinthians 13, and Song of Solomon say.

Point #7: Every person is responsible for their own sin. It is not your spouse’s fault if you choose to sin simply because your husband/wife does not fulfill you in the way you think they should.

Point #8: One way to fix the perceived “problem” is to stop focusing on yourself so much and consider the wants, needs, desires, of your spouse.

Point #9: Sex in a marriage should not ever be used as leverage or withheld as punishment.

Point #10: Your spouse is also not responsible for how you deal with temptation.



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