
From: T.A.
The church of Christ has a 2000 year history. It started in Jerusalem. Jesus built it. It wasn't started by men or a board of directors. It started in Jerusalem , not Rome, Germany or Europe. Most denominations have 500 or less years of existence. They are not the original , nor were they started by Christ, nor do they belong to Christ. The church of Christ accepts only the Bible for its authority. All creeds, catechisms, manuals, disciplines are the writings of uninspired men. They self-contradict and can never bring the unity that Jesus prayed for in John 17. 

教會=她(基督的新婦) Eph 5:25; Rev 21:2

Jesus prayed that believers be sanctified by God's word which is the truth. The Lord's church worships the Father (John 4:23,24) by prayer, spiritual songs, Bible teaching and preaching and study, partaking of the Lord's supper every 1st day of the week and only on the 1st day of the week. We also give an offering on the 1st day of the week in accordance to what we have purposed and as we have prospered.  

The Lord's church doesn't use mechanical instruments of music in our worship, nor does it use alcoholic wine in the Lord's supper. Also, only unleavened bread is used in the Lord's supper. Sisters do not take the lead in public worship (with men and women present) ; they do not lead men in prayer, nor preach to them. Brethren take the lead in worship services. 

The work of the Lord's church lies in three major areas: evangelization, edification of its members, and benevolence toward others as we have opportunity and ability. We do not raise money for the church by raffles or pie sales. Our moneys come from the contributions of our members. These are some of the differences between the Church of Christ and denominations.




Should I Forgive A Brother Who Won't Repent? (Don Blackwell) 我應該原諒一個不悔改的弟兄嗎?


Together: Forgive One Another