How can we be meek and gentle?

a branch sticking out of the ice in the water


"First, meekness and gentleness come directly from being poor in spirit and mourning over our sins. How can we push ourselves as greater than others and worthy of attention when we see our own spiritual destitution and sinfulness? How can we knock others down to lift ourselves up when we see our own spiritual worthlessness because of our sins? Understanding our sinfulness leads to gentleness.
Second, Psalm 37 revealed a great picture of what the meek do, so that we can know if we are the meek and gentle our Lord is looking for. Psalm 37:3-5 twice said that the meek trust in the Lord. Psalm 37:4 said that they find their delight in the Lord. Psalm 37:7 said that they wait expectantly for the Lord. Psalm 37:9 said that they put their hope in the Lord. Their hope is not in this life. Their delight is not in the pleasures of this world. Their trust is not in themselves, their achievements, or abilities. They wait with eager anticipation for the Lord to come so they can inherit all the promises that God has made to his people. One of those promises is to have a crown of life, reigning with Christ forever in his eternal kingdom. You can try to rule the world on your own and fail or you can rule with world with God with joy and satisfaction." (B.K.)



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Together: Forgive One Another