
目前顯示的是 11月, 2018的文章

1 Sam. 24 - only love will overcome

by Jimmy Lau 1Sa 24:13   As saith the proverb of the ancients, Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked: but mine hand shall not be upon thee.  David would not do the devil’s work. In this, we see that David’s heart didn’t store up bitterness and anger towards Saul. Even as Saul made David’s life completely miserable, David kept his integrity. If David had stored up bitterness and anger towards Saul, he would not have been able to resist the temptation to kill him at what seemed to be a “God-given” opportunity.   But even that action of cutting Saul’s robe troubled David (v.5). What a tender conscience in David! Many would only be troubled that they did not take the opportunity to kill Saul. They would be regretting not doing it. They would be cursing themselves for not doing it. David only cut off the corner of Saul’s robe, yet his heart troubled him.   You dislike your neighbour. You may not kill him. But you scratch his car. Or you sweep your dirt to his doo...

1 Sam. 23 - Seek God‘s Counsel At All Times

by Jimmy Lau 1Sa 23:12  Then said David, Will the men of Keilah deliver me and my men into the hand of Saul? And the LORD said, They will deliver thee up.  1. Seek God’s Counsel At All Times. David was in a quandary – to listen to his men or to go ahead and help Keilah. He handed his problems to God. He knew his men would listen to God’s decision.  Therefore, always bring your problems to God in prayers: “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me” (Psalm 56:3, 4). 2. People May Be Ungrateful; Do Good Anyway. We should not let the actions of others determine our actions. How others react is their business. The devil wants us to react the same way as them. But Christians will do only good because it is the right thing to do: “Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not ove...

1 Sam. 19 - be content, not jealous

by Jimmy Lau  (Digest) 1Sa 19:4   And Jonathan spake good of David unto Saul his father, and said unto him, Let not the king sin against his servant, against David; because he hath not sinned against thee, and because his works have been to thee-ward very good. Jealousy is not a sin of the other person. Jonathan told his father that David had done nothing wrong against him. What David had done was only good. Jealousy is a self-inflicting sin. Jealousy made Saul bitter towards David. And, like jealousy, bitterness is a sin that hurts only the person who has it. The cure for jealousy is obvious: CONTENTMENT. Hebrews 13:5 (ESV) reads:  Keep your life free from love of money, and  be content with what you have , for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you. " Saul coveted the praise that David had. His jealousy was his covetousness. His jealousy overwhelmed him and he became another man. Solomon says: “ Wrath is cruel, and anger is overwhelming...

1 Sam. 17 - face the challenge

by Jimmy Lau 1Sa 17:45   Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.  1.  Courage Will Overcome Fear          Twice a day for 40 days Goliath would challenge the Israelites demanding a 1 on 1 battle (v.16). But no one from Israel’s camp would dare come forward to fight Goliath. The Israelites didn’t believe it was possible to defeat Goliath. They were greatly afraid (v.11). Only David was not afraid of Goliath. He accepted the challenge (v.32). What is FEAR? F.E.A.R. is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. There’s no true threat of immediate physical danger, or something terrible is going to happen. Fear is an illusion. It is just an emotional response to a perceived threat. And the only place where fear exists is in the mind. The way to ...

Rom. 14:4 - 因為主能使他站住

from Kwan Thai Chun 基督的爱,是让我们彼此分享,而不是让我们去审判他人!不要标榜:我是基督徒,他不是;我守诫命,他不是;我每天祈祷,他不是。 这又如何?你怎么就知道在未来的一天他不会悔改呢?又怎么知道在未来的一天,自己不会跌倒呢?不凭眼下定任何人的不是,也不在心里仇恨他,却要时时为自己和他祈祷。 【你是谁,竟论断别人的仆人呢?他或站住,或跌倒,自有他的主人在;而且他也必要站住,因为主能使他站住。_罗14:4】

1Sam. 16:14 - occupy ourselves with godliness

by Jimmy Lau 1Sa 16:14   But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.  When Saul walked with God, the Spirit of God came upon him (1 Samuel 10:6). But now that Saul has disobeyed the commandments of God, he is no longer walking in the Spirit of God. What happened to him? An evil spirit “from” God replaces it. This really means that God  allowed  the evil spirit to tempt Saul to sin. We see it in the case of Job. It was not God who tempted Job. But God  allowed  Satan to tempt him. Although God will allow you to be tempted, He’s not doing the tempting. James 1:13 (NKJV) says, “ Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone .”   God  allows  temptation to come in order to strengthen our characters, but He doesn’t send it: “ But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed ” (Jame...

Gen. 29:1-30 ; 30:1-8 - 拉结 ~被丈夫深爱的女人

From Kwan Thai Chun 拉结 ~被丈夫深爱的女人 (创29:1-30 ; 30:1-8 ) 提要:      历史似乎在此重演了,在哈兰同样的一口井边,同一个家庭里,在此发生相同的故事。亚伯拉罕的仆人以利以谢就是在这口井边遇到利百加的,那时他正要为以撒物色一位妻子。四十年后,利百加的儿子雅各在同一口井边,协助他的表妹给羊群喝水 。他们之间所发生的故事让我们看见,美丽的爱情罗曼史不只是发生在现代,同时也让我们学习了忍耐和爱的功课。     雅各对于拉结的爱充满了忍耐和忠贞。雅各愿意忍耐等候拉结十四年之久,同时为她勤奋的工作,他对拉结的爱是坚贞不二的。而拉结对雅各的爱情,相形之下倒有些混乱了,她因自己不孕就嫉妒姐姐利亚,与利亚争风吃醋,努力想从雅各那里争取她已享有的爱情。     拉结的情况不也是我们的写照吗?我们想得到神的爱,但却又离弃祂的话,我们心怀二意,自认自己不配得到祂的爱。神爱我们!祂的爱是无始无终的,是恒久忍耐的。我们只要回应祂的爱,而非努力去获得那已经属于我们的爱。

1 Sam. 15 - to obey is better than sacrifice

By Jimmy Lau 1Sa 15:13   And Samuel came to Saul: and Saul said unto him, Blessed be thou of the LORD: I have performed the commandment of the LORD.  Faith is obeying  all  of the commandments of God. The root of disobedience lies in self-will. Self-will is doing what one thinks is right rather than following what God has commanded. Christ condemned self-will worship: “ But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men ” (Matthew 15:9).   The problem with men is in obeying all the commandments of God. Saul said he had performed the commandment of God just because he had performed some of it. But he did not obey an explicit commandment of God who told him to destroy everything. Partial obedience is not good enough. God said Saul had not performed His commandments (v.11).   What did Samuel say about Saul’s disobedience? He said: “ For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Bec...

1 Sam. 14 - Jonathan‘s faith

By Jimmy Lau 1Sa 14:6   And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the LORD will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few.  Jonathan had faith in the power of God, being fully persuaded that He could do everything, whether by many or by few. And he knew it had to start with someone; and that someone might as well be him and his armour bearer. Brethren, the church needs people like Jonathan. Jonathan knew the need was great. He saw Israel was already hopelessly outnumbered and demoralized. He saw the fear in the eyes of his people. So, he didn’t wait for the calling; he volunteered the call. Can you see the needs in the church which you are a member of? What are you waiting for? The first-century Christians didn’t wait for a gospel meeting to do evangelism. They didn’t need a program for a reason to do God’s work. What about you? Why n...

Gen. 27:43-28:5 ;29:1-30 ;30:25-31:55 - 拉班 · 自私的人

From Kwan Thai Chun 拉班 · 自私的人 (创27:43-28:5 ;29:1-30 ;30:25-31:55)提要:      人都是自私的,但有些人却使自私成为他最大的弱点。拉班一生的写照便是自私,以自我为中心,他只顾自己的利益。我们从他待人处事上,不难看出他的这个弱点。他藉着妹妹利百加与以撒的婚姻从中获益,又利用自己的女儿一生的幸福来做交易。不过拉班后来被雅各所驾御,但这位老人家仍不肯低头认输。他加于雅各身上的锁链虽已折断,然而仍想方法努力从雅各身上获取利益,才肯放他离去。但是至终他才了解:雅各和雅各的神是他应付不了的。     从表面看来,我们很难认同拉班,但他自私的弱点却是我们都有的。我们像拉班一样,常有一股强烈的冲动想驾御别人,以获取自己的利益。我们常会为自己找一个「好」藉口来掩饰自己自私的行为。可能我们自己并未查觉自己是自私的,但有一个测试自我的方法,就是,你是否愿意承认自己是有错失的人?拉班没办法做到。如果你有一天惊讶的发现自己是肯认错的人,并努力避免犯错,那么你是正走在跟从神的正道上了!

James 1:20 - 怒氣

From Kwan Tai Chun 人的怒气并不成就神的义(雅1:20)。 有些基督徒,在教会生同工的气,回到家生孩子的气,开车上路生前面那个开慢车的气,天下雨我们生气,在路上摔了一跤生气,看电视广告多也生气…… 这样,我们岂不是太给神“丢脸”了吗?动不动就生气,甚至还敢向神生气! 记住第一个向神生气的该隐的教训!神悦纳了他弟弟亚伯的祭物,没有验中他的祭物,他就“大大地发怒,变了脸色”,耶和华对他说:“你为什么发怒呢?你为什么变了脸色呢?你若行的好,岂不蒙悦纳?你若行的不好,罪就伏在你的门前。它必恋慕你,你却要制伏它。”(创4:5-7) 神今天也要问你:你为什么变了脸色呢?不要用你的拳头和舌头来解决问题,要跪下祷告神,用膝盖。靠着那加给你力量的主,你一定行! 你可能会讲:打死“蜘蛛”,就没有蜘蛛网了;找出“约拿”扔到海里,就风平浪静了。“蜘蛛”和“约拿”就是隐藏在我们里面惹事的祸根。先从里面下手,把自己的生命操练的棒棒的,与主的关系深深的,任凭12级的台风来,也搅动不了你!

1 Sam. 13 - trust in God

By Jimmy Lau 1Sa 13:12   Therefore said I, The Philistines will come down now upon me to Gilgal, and I have not made supplication unto the LORD: I forced myself therefore, and offered a burnt offering.  One of the greatest sins committed today by many professed Christians is to act on their own wisdom when it appears God’s method isn’t good enough. By doing so, they are saying they are wiser than God. But God says: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8, 9). The man says mechanical instruments improve the singing in the church. God says: “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19). The only instrument is the heart. The man says baptism is too much hassle; faith alone is enough to save. But God says:...

1 Sam. 12 - blameless

By Jimmy Lau 1Sa 12:5  And he said unto them, The LORD is witness against you, and his anointed is witness this day, that ye have not found ought in my hand. And they answered, He is witness. Every Christian is to be and to live above reproach. What does Christ want His church to be like? “He has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him” (Colossians 1:22, ESV).  “That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27). The entire chapter of Colossians 3 is telling us to live a blameless life. Now, how does one live a blameless life? The instructions are found on every page of the Bible. It can be summarised in three words: “Walk in Love” (Ephesians 5:2). Paul wrote: “Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law” (Romans 13:10). Love completes e...


From Kwan Thai Chun 1、有些基督徒,喜欢看电影,看电视剧,一看可以几个小时不停;但是一看圣经,一祷告,马上哈欠连天头发晕。----怪! 2、有些基督徒,每当提到聚餐、吃饭、游玩,马上兴趣十足,兴趣盎然;可是一说到敬拜、聚会和服事,立刻无精打采,头昏脑胀。----怪! 3、有些基督徒,可以拼命的学习和不断的加班,为了自己的未来努力打拼;可是面对掌管万有的神和藉着基督死而复生所赐给的信仰,却不想付出任何的努力和代价。----怪! 4、有些基督徒,喜欢背英语,背名人名言,被流行的潮话和明星歌曲的歌词;却记不住圣经的话,对圣经陌生又陌生。----怪! 5、有些基督徒在KTV唱歌神采奕奕,魅力无限;可是在教会中唱赞美诗时,声细如蚊,神色黯然。----怪! 6、有些基督徒,怕老师,怕老板,怕同事,怕朋友,怕父母,怕老婆,怕丈夫,几乎谁都怕;可是就不怕神。----怪! 7、有些基督徒,对自己喜欢的明星了如指掌,对喜欢的游戏宛如专家,对流行的事情津津乐道;可是对自己的信仰一窍不通,对别人所问关于信仰的问题一脸迷茫,甚至还没有非基督徒知道的多。----怪! 8、有些基督徒,喜欢赚钱,喜欢地位,喜欢名车,喜欢洋房,喜欢好工作,喜欢帅哥美女;可是,不喜欢基督耶稣,不喜欢神的话,不喜欢读圣经,不喜欢祷告,不喜欢聚会。----怪! 9、有些基督徒,为了自己所爱的人,可以付上任何的代价,甚至省吃俭用,也要让对方过的好;可是,对基督,对这位为我们舍己,在世上受尽羞辱酷刑的救主,陌如路人。----怪! 10、有些基督徒,对别人隐私的事情有兴趣,愿意主动去打听,去传舌;可是对福音却闭口不言,甚至多年不提。----怪! 11、有些基督徒,看重地位,看重在别人眼里的形象,看重自己在世上的得失;却不看重属灵的地位,属灵的财富,属灵的能力,和神怎么看他。----怪! 12、有些基督徒明知自己在世上是寄居的,可是在世上活着却像这个世界的主人。----怪! 13、有些基督徒常常说自己愿意依靠追求神,可是却常常悖逆,不顺服,甚至不愿悔改。----怪! 14、有些基督徒,说自己是圣徒,可是生活中却沉溺于情色中。----怪! 15、有些基督徒,靠关系,靠朋友,靠财力,靠自己;却不靠着凡事加我们力量的神。----怪! 16、有些基督徒,说自己是基督徒,可是,为什么却...


From Kwan Thai Chun 收割 ( Therizo )     圣经很喜欢用"收割" 这个比喻来形容一些真理,尤其是主耶稣,事实上therizo(收割) 这个词在圣经出现过21次,其中十次是在福音书信。     我们来看看约翰福音4:35-38这段经文..."我的食物就是遵行差我来者的旨意,作成祂的工。你们岂不说,到收割的时候还有四个月吗?我告诉你们: 举目向田观看,庄稼已经熟了,可以收割了。..."     究竟耶稣是说什么?在巴勒斯坦,犹太人把一年分为六个阶段:      第一阶段:撒种期      第二阶段:雨季之冬      第三阶段:雨季之春      第四阶段:收割期(约四                        、五月)      第五阶段:旱季(夏天)      第六阶段:酷热的炎夏    从撒种至收割,其间需时四个月,所以许多人就说:"还有这么多时间,何必这样紧张,慢慢来也不迟!耶稣就是针对这种闲懒的态度。     今天有不少信徒也持着这种闲懒的态度,一句"先等一下"就把生命窒息了,也把教会事工停頓下来。我们明明知道若不传福音便有祸了,但我们又偏偏推辞,久久没有行动,就是面对自己至亲的人,也似乎难以启齿,不太紧张似的。我们明知要好好与神亲近,多读经,多些事奉,但我们却又偏偏诸多借口,忙于世俗,结果错过了许多成长的机会!这句"还有四个月"真是害人不浅 !     耶稣说,现在是采取行动的时候了!祂叫我们举目向田观看,庄稼已经成熟了,可以收割了,而且是欢欢喜喜地欢呼收割。换句话说,我们应当把握时机,机不可失。现在不是拖延的时候,而是收割的时候,我们还等什么呢?

1Sam. 11 - there is no peace unto the wicked

By Jimmy Lau 1Sa 11:1  Then Nahash the Ammonite came up, and encamped against Jabeshgilead: and all the men of Jabesh said unto Nahash, Make a covenant with us, and we will serve thee. There are so many today who are just like the men of Jabesh-Gilead: they would settle for peace at all cost. They would rather settle for lies than change their denominations. They ask why all the fuss about baptism, Holy Spirit, AD 70 doctrine, marriage-divorce- remarriage issues, and musical instruments. They ask can’t we sit down and worship together without arguing about doctrines. Brethren, listen to what the Lord has to say on this: “There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked” (Isaiah 48:22; 57:21). God said it twice there is no peace to the wicked. If God will not make peace with the wicked, is it right for us to worship in peace with them? Isaiah wrote: “The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth t...


From Mary Ann THE CONSEQUENCES OF IMPATIENCE Luke 15:11-21 How serious is a lack of patience? We generally write it off as inconsequential. It’s often seen as a weakness rather than a sin—after all, it’s not as bad as adultery, theft, or murder. But have you ever considered what your impatience reveals about your attitude toward God? When we demonstrate an inability to tolerate delay, we are telling the Lord, “I don’t trust Your timing; mine is better.” Can you see the seriousness of this attitude? Impatience is a display of pride because we are elevating our understanding above that of our all-knowing God. The prodigal son’s journey toward disaster began with impatience. He wanted his inheritance immediately and was unwilling to wait. After taking matters into his own hands, he faced the following consequences: He brought sorrow on his family.Likewise, our impatience hurts those we love. He left the security of home. When we run ahead of God, we often leave behind the vo...


From Kwan Thai Chun 与神同行是什么意思 ? 1. 与神同行指以他为伴      (摩3:3) 2. 与神同行意含与他深交       (伯9:2 ;25:4 ;罗          5:1 ;伯22:21) 3. 与神同行是指与神同心        (伯34:9) 4. 与神同行表示靠他成事        (撒上14:24,27-            29,43,45) 5. 与神同行就是向他尽忠         (何11:12) 6. 与神同行表示与神同在          (林前7:24) 7. 与神同行就能在侍奉上     与他同工 (约5:17) 8. 与神同行必蒙悦纳           (来11:5)

1 Sam. 7- serve Him only

By Jimmy Lau 1Sa 7:3   And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel, saying, If ye do return unto the LORD with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the LORD, and serve him only: and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.  Isn’t it the same with many today? Good job means good money. They know money is not everything. But no money means possessing nothing and this is unthinkable. So, they make this decision: “ So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin ” (Romans 7:25b). They serve God on Sundays and mammon on the rest of the week! Search your heart: IS YOUR FAITH PART OF YOUR LIFE OR IS YOUR FAITH YOUR LIFE? If faith is only part of your life, it means you practice it only when you are free, like a hobby. But if your faith is your life, it governs your life; you practice it daily.

Gen. 24:59; 35:8 底波拉 - 利百加的乳母

From Kwan Thai Chun 底波拉 - 利百加的乳母 (创 24:59 ; 35:8 ) 提要 : 底波拉是利百加的奶妈,随着利百加从美索不达米亚来到迦南地,忠心的服事雅各和拉结的家庭。从她被葬的故事中可看出,这个服事这家两代之久的奶妈,显然受这一家人极大的尊重。(创35:8)      在早期族长制的家庭中,像底波拉这种老奶妈通常礼遇为养母。虽然圣经中仅简短的提及底波拉,可是她的出现提醒我们,世俗的工作领域也能成为满足的来源。     底波拉的价值为别人所激赏。当她死时,雅各把她葬在伯特利下边的一颗橡树底下。那棵树名叫「哭泣的橡树」,这一家人深深的感激她的工作,她的死在他们心中留下极大的空虚。然而她最大的满足不是因她死时的颂文,而是深信她在可行的事上已尽力了。

1 Sam. - trust in God and not chance

By Jimmy Lau 1Sa 6:9   And see, if it goeth up by the way of his own coast to Bethshemesh, then he hath done us this great evil: but if not, then we shall know that it is not his hand that smote us: it was a chance that happened to us.    The Ark of the LORD was in the country of the Philistines seven months. For seven terrible months it had spread among them anxiety, terror, and death. They were determined to send the Ark back to Israel. They decided how to return the ark, including a test to see if the judgment was of God or of chance (v.7-9). Chance is a non-being and therefore, it determines nothing. The Philistines were leaving things to chance. But it was God who directed the cows where to go. We live in a cause and effect world, and chance is not a cause, but God is the great Cause. And God is the Cause of all things: “ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth ” (Genesis 1:1).   How about Christians? Do you think things happened by chance...

1 Sam. 5 - a little price to pay for the eternal bliss

By Jimmy Lau 1Sa 5:1   And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it from Ebenezer unto Ashdod.         The Philistines feared God but would not worship and submit to Him. They knew His power. They tasted His wrath. They saw how God humiliated their god Dagon. Still, they did not want Jehovah as their God. Why? In spite of all the evidences that God showed to them to prove He is God like no one else, why did the Philistines reject Him? The reason is simple: Because following the LORD means a huge change in thinking and living. For the Philistines, it is easier to follow Dagon. Dagon allows them to be themselves. Dagon allows them to live in the pleasures of sin. Serving Jehovah means giving up their current lifestyle. I have heard various reasons by some why they will not follow Jesus in spite they know about Him. And top on the list is this: Not ready for commitment! They don’t want to wake up early on Sundays to come to church. They...


From Kwan Thai Chun 当我们被试探围攻的时候,就立刻抓住耶稣赐的这句话:“凡不因为我跌倒的就有福了”(太11:6); 当我们背起自已的十架苦不堪言的时候,就抓住神的话:“到我这里来,我就使你得安息”(太11: 28  ) ; 当我们卧病在床奄奄一息的时候,就抓住神的话 :“我就是道路、真理、生命;若不藉着我,没有人能到父那里去”(约14 :6); 当我们面临人生的重大转折不知该往何处去时,就去听听大卫在求告主:“我的灵在我里面发昏的时候,你知道我的道路”(诗142:3); 当我们的夫妻关系糟稿时,保罗会告诉你:“你们作妻子的,当顺服自己的丈夫……,你们作丈夫的, 要爱你们的妻子”(弗5:22-25); …… 基督徒是听主的话,是尊主为大而活着。“耶和华如此说”,是的!主耶和华如此说,我就如此信,也如此行——不管周围环境,坚定主道,举起脚,大步跟主走!

利百加 - 偏心的母亲 (Gen 27)

From Kwan Thai Chun           利百加 - 偏心的母亲 (创二十七章) 提要 : 利百加知道神的计划是要藉由雅各来应验,而不是以扫(创25:23) , 所以她不但特别偏爱雅各,她还处处设法使雅各超过哥哥以扫。同时,以撒却偏爱以扫,这种关系更使这对夫妇之间暗藏着冲突。利百加自以为为雅各争取祝福是正确的,就以欺骗的手段来争取。          很多时候,我们也自以为是为正义而做,擅自为自己的行动在神的同意书上签字,纵使我们的行动并没有破坏神原本的计划 ,但我们仍要为自己的行动负责,并要留意背后所隐藏的动机为何。你是否强迫神在同意书上签字?抑或当你发现所要采取的行动与神的教训、圣经的原则不符时,宁愿将你的计划摆在一旁,让神来作工 ?我们积极的行动若是在神智慧的管理下,这行动才是可赞许的。

1 Sam. 4 - Trust in God and not in religious relics

By Jimmy Lau 1Sa 4:3   And when the people were come into the camp, the elders of Israel said, Wherefore hath the LORD smitten us to day before the Philistines? Let us fetch the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of Shiloh unto us, that, when it cometh among us, it may save us out of the hand of our enemies.  What are the lessons we can learn? From Israel’s Action: 1. Trust in God and not in religious relics. Note their words: “that it may save us from the hand of our enemies” (v.3). They were looking to the Ark to save them, not the LORD Himself. Likewise, wearing a cross on your neck will not protect you from evil or solve your problems in life. Trust God: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5, 6). 2. Check Your Faith. Israel did not know why God was not with them in the battles. They wrongly thought it was because the Ark was not with th...

1 Sam. 3 - preach the word of God

By Jimmy Lau 1Sa 3:1   And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision.  Is the word of God rare in the church which your belong? Today, in many “churches”, more things are preached over the pulpits except the word of God. Preachers are preaching about self-esteem, prosperity, psychology, social justice, self-improvement, and life stories about themselves except the story about Jesus and Him crucified. Denomination preachers preach a whole sermon without quoting a verse from the Bible. Our liberal brethren are following the same too. Sermons are all about how to better oneself and to live an enriched life in this present world. There is nothing about the abundant life in Christ Jesus (John 10:10). There is nothing about denying ungodly and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world (Titus 2:12). What did Paul preach to the Corinthians? He sai...

Gen. 15:2; 24 以利以谢 - 忠心的老仆人

From Kwan Thai Chun 以利以谢 ~忠心的老仆人 (创15:2 ; 24章) 提要 :      以利以谢是亚伯拉罕家中最老的仆人,也是管理他全业的管家,是大马色人,一度曾被亚伯拉罕认为是承受他家业的人。由于受亚伯拉罕的影响,他也是一位非常敬虔的人,在所有的事上,屡次显出依靠耶和华的心。对他的主人忠心不二,对他的神则信心十足。      在以利以谢为以撒娶妻的事上,我们不难发现他生命可贵的特质,虽然他只是一位仆人的身份,但却拥有高贵的气质。一旦他领受他主人的使命,他便勇往直前,不达目的,绝不甘休。他虽然从他主人学到许多功课,他效法亚伯拉罕,寻求神而来的凭据,让他完成使命。他求神帮助他,辨认神为以撒拣选的女子。(创24:12-15)     以利以谢对神那单纯的信心是不容怀疑的,他不断藉着祷告来完成他的使命 (24:12,27,42,48,52)。甚至在没有完成他的使命之前,拒绝吃放置桌上的食物。(创24:33) 最后,他把利百加顺利的带回迦南地,交在他小主人以撒的手中。这位老仆人的所作所为,也让我们看到更美事奉的典范。

1Sam. - parenting

By Jimmy Lau 1Sa 2:26   And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the LORD, and also with men.   Repeatedly throughout Scripture we find God commanding parents, and especially fathers, to teach their children about the Lord. Parents, remember these: 1. If you do not teach your children truth, others will teach them error. 2. If you do not teach your children about God, others will teach them there is no God. 3. If you do not teach your children to be godly, others will teach them to be ungodly. Godly parents do not just teach but show their children how to grow in the Lord. They show them by their examples how to love God, how to put God in their first priority, how to serve God, and how to live a godly life. And, they start this nurturing and admonition when their children are very young. From a very young age, Samuel was serving God in the tabernacle of God in Shiloh (v.11). His parents did not wait for him to finish his secular education befo...

1 Sam. 1:8 - a husband ‘s love

By Jimmy Lau 1Sa 1:8  Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons?  Am not I better to thee than ten sons  — In Elkanah we have an example of a most excellent husband; who patiently bore with the insolent attitude of Peninnah, and comforted the dejected Hannah with words full of tender affection. Indeed, his love for Hannah was better than ten children. Brethren, marriage demands hard work. And successful marriages require lots of work. And one area to work on is LOVE. Love should not be at the peak at the wedding. Love should get better from there, not downhill. Love should grow stronger each day. Of course, there will be days you hate each other. But at the end of the day, love must prevail. Love happens if you choose your relationship—and each other—over and over again. You have to choose to stay together. “ What therefore God hath joined together, let...


From Kwan Tai Chum "阿们"意义: “阿们”是基督教的常用语,它与基督徒的属灵生活密切相关,常在基督徒的祷告、赞美、敬拜中出现。虽然如此熟悉,但是真正清楚的知道“阿们”的来源及意义的却是为数不多。 “阿门”,又译“阿们”(天主教昔译“亚孟”,今译“阿门”;东正教译为“阿民”;基督教译为“阿们”)。 在 希伯来语中,“阿们”有同意、可靠、真实、肯定的意思 。 在旧约《圣经》中,“阿们”一词多被用作赞同和领受的一种回应,最早出现在《民数记》中,最多出现在《申命记》当中。在不同的语境中,“阿们”有不同的意思。 当耶和华神提出律法的要求时,百姓以“阿们”回应,表示赞同和领受,如: 民数记 5章22节 记载 “并且这致咒诅的的水入你的肠中,要叫你的肚腹 发胀,大腿消瘦。妇人要回答说:‘阿们!阿们!’” 当耶和华神晓瑜以色列民律法的要求时,他们以“阿们!阿们!”响应。 意思是:神的律法是完全可靠合理的,他们对于神的律法是完全赞同的。 申命记 27章15-26节的经文主要记载“违命必受咒诅”的条例,每条律法的咒诅结束时,百姓都要答应“阿们”。其中共出现十二个“阿们”,显示以色列百姓同意并且立志不做那些会带来咒诅的事。 此后,在尼希米,以及先知耶利米,向以色列百姓重申律法时,会众也是类似的回应。如: 尼希米记 5章13节 记载 我也抖着胸前的衣襟说:“凡不成就这应许的,愿神照样抖他离开家产和他劳碌得来的,直到抖空了。”会众都说:“阿们!”又赞美耶和华。百姓就照着所应许的去行。 耶利米书 11章5节 记载 我好坚定向你们列祖所起的誓,给他们流奶与蜜之地,正如今日一样。我就回答说:“耶和华啊,阿们!” 当大卫等人以诗歌颂赞神时,众民以“阿们”回应,表示感恩和赞美,如: 历代志上 16章36节 记载 耶和华以色列的神,从亘古直到永远,是应当称颂的!众民都说:“阿们!”并且赞美耶和华。 当约柜迁入耶路撒冷时,大卫等人以诗歌颂赞神,在赞美的末了,众民以“阿们”回应。 当一篇诗词结束之时,诗人以“阿们”结尾,表示完成和确认,如: 诗篇 41篇13节 记载 “耶和华以色列的神是应当称颂的,从亘古直到永远。阿们,阿们!” 诗篇 72篇19节 记载 “他荣耀的名也当称颂,直到永远。愿他的荣耀充满全地,阿们...

Rev. 22:14 - A Doer

By Jimmy Lau Rev 22:14   Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. BW Johnson commented: “ When we pray the Lord for anything we must work to fulfil our own prayers. If we pray for labourers, we must be willing to become labourers ourselves, or to send and sustain other labourers ” (People’s New Testament, e-sword).  Brethren, only those who  DO  the commandments are blessed and have right to the tree of life. Are you a doer?  

Rev. 21:1 - a new heaven and a new earth

By Jimmy Lau Rev 21:1   And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.  “Sea” symbolises turmoil. The “ first heaven and first earth ” is the earth that we now lived. Peter in his epistle says this earth shall pass away (2 Peter 3:10). And he says we have a better home waiting for us: “ Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness ” (2 Peter 3:13). Our hope is in heaven. Revelation 21 paints a beautiful picture of what heaven is like. It is the climax of the journey of faith: Heaven is surely worth it all. Here for the first time, after the close of the seven epistles of chapters 2 and 3, do we have the promise to him who overcomes: “ He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son ” (v.7).