1Sam. - parenting

By Jimmy Lau

1Sa 2:26  And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the LORD, and also with men. 

Repeatedly throughout Scripture we find God commanding parents, and especially fathers, to teach their children about the Lord. Parents, remember these:
1. If you do not teach your children truth, others will teach them error.
2. If you do not teach your children about God, others will teach them there is no God.
3. If you do not teach your children to be godly, others will teach them to be ungodly.

Godly parents do not just teach but show their children how to grow in the Lord. They show them by their examples how to love God, how to put God in their first priority, how to serve God, and how to live a godly life. And, they start this nurturing and admonition when their children are very young.

From a very young age, Samuel was serving God in the tabernacle of God in Shiloh (v.11). His parents did not wait for him to finish his secular education before starting him in spiritual; spiritual education was his first training. How different it is today!  Today, Christian parents are placing more emphasis on secular education to the neglect of the spiritual. It is no wonder their children grow up leaving the Lord when they become teenagers or young adults. It is because they were not laid a solid foundation of faith when they were young.



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