God Is Holy

From TFTW Bible College

Some try to dismiss the idea of God because there is so much evil in the world. Their argument is that if there is a God, then He would stop or prevent all the evil and suffering in the world. But how do you determine something is evil without God to declare it as evil? If there is no God, then the universe is an accident and what you call “evil” is really just “evil” because you don’t like it. The murderer may murder and think it is a good thing to do, but you may look at murder and call it “evil.” 

With no God to be holy and just judge, then who’s to say who is right? If the universe is an accident, then there is no purpose to what we do when we are dead nothing will have mattered anyway, and I will never answer to anyone after my life is over. So, with no God, whether or not I murder doesn’t matter and cannot be declared “good” or “evil.” The truth is, you cannot declare something as “good” or “evil” unless it is backed up by God also declaring it good or evil. Just because you think it is “evil” doesn’t make it so.  God is the source of all goodness and the one who determines what is good or evil.



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