The Woman that Hath a Familiar Spirit 交鬼的婦人 (1 Sam 28)

a white ghost standing in the middle of a purple background

From T.A.


My reasoning as to why I don't think there is demon possession today is because humans do not today have the power to cast out demons. With the death of the last Apostle , the ability to transmit miraculous power ceased. To me it would not seem to be a balance of power of demons were allowed to possess humans and God no longer gave His people the power to cast out demons . 

我之所以認為今天沒有惡魔附身,是因為人類今天沒有能力驅魔。 隨著最後一個使徒的死亡,傳遞神蹟力量的能力停止了。 在我看來,若惡魔的力量不允許附身於人類,神也不會再賦予祂的子民驅逐惡魔的力量。

The events of 1st Samuel 28 happened long before the Christian age. From earliest times until the present there have been people who claim to have the powers of the occult. God in His Bible has forbidden His people to have anything to do with sorcery and things pertaining to it(Galatians 5:20,21-witchcraft is sorcery). These things belong to the deception of the devil.  

1st Samuel 28的事件發生在基督教時代之前很久。 從最早到現在,一直有人聲稱擁有神秘主義的力量。 神在祂的聖經中禁止祂的子民與邪術和與巫術有關的事物有任何關係(加拉太書5:20,21-邪術就是巫術)。 這些東西屬於魔鬼的欺騙。

I realize that many peoples still believe in astrology and mediums and those who tell the future. Joyce, if a person believes in something strongly it can cause him or her to have great fear and even be deluded to think he sees and hears things that aren't there. I am reminded of 2nd Thessalonians 2:9-12. I realize the devil has power, but his main tool has always been a lying tongue and deception. With a lying tongue he deceived mother Eve in the garden of Eden. People who believe in voodoo, sorcery, astrology, and lying wonders will be controlled by our ancient adversary who walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour(1st Peter 5:8). 

我意識到,許多人仍然相信占星術和靈媒,以及那些算命師。 Joyce,如果一個人強烈相信某件事,這可能會導致他或她感到非常恐懼,甚至被欺騙,認為他看到和聽到了不存在的東西。 我想起了帖撒羅尼迦後書2:9-12。 我知道魔鬼有權力,但他的主要工具一直是撒謊的舌頭和欺騙。 他在伊甸園用撒謊的舌頭欺騙了人類之母夏娃。 相信邪術、巫術、占星術和虛妄奇事的人,將被我們古老的對手(撒旦)控制,他像一隻咆哮的獅子一樣走來走去,尋找可吞吃的人(彼得前書5:8)。

People can believe something so strongly that they become deluded by the prince of the power of the air(Ephesians 2:2). There were real demons, but I don't think God gives them power to possess men. God is in control and the devil can not exercise power above what God allows him. We that know the truth must love the truth and stay from the powers of darkness , lest we become deluded by the devil's guile.

人們可以如此強烈地相信一些東西,以至於他們被空中掌權者的首領所迷惑(以弗所書2:2)。 惡魔是真的,但我認為神沒有賦予他們控制人類的力量。 神控制著他,魔鬼無法行使超出神允許的權力。 我們這些知道真理的人必須熱愛真理,遠離黑暗的力量,以免被魔鬼的诡計所迷惑。

The rich man who is in Hades asked Abraham to send Lazarus (also in Hades ,but in the place of comfort) to his 5 brethren who were still alive on earth. He wanted Lazarus to preach to his brethren, but Abraham said ," they have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them". God did not allow Lazarus to go back to earth or rise "from the dead". All people in Hades can not at this time leave Hades. (Luke 16: 19-31)

在陰間的富人要求亞伯拉罕把“拉撒路”(也在陰間,但在舒適的地方)送到他還活著的5個兄弟那裡。 他希望拉撒路向他的兄弟們傳道,但亞伯拉罕說:“他們有摩西和先知;讓他們聽他們。” 神不允許拉撒路回到地球,或“從死裡”復活。 陰間的所有人在這個時候都不能離開陰間。 (路加福音16:19-31)

Hades is temporary. One day those who are not written in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire(Revelation 20: 11-15). The gates of hell(hades) will not prevail against Jesus' church(Matthew 16:18). At the appropriate time the gates will be opened.

陰間是暫時的。 有一天,那些沒有被寫在生命書上的人,將被扔進火湖裡(啟示錄20:11-15)。 地獄之門(hades)不能戰勝耶穌的教會(馬太福音16:18)。 在適當的時候,大門將被開啟。

Jesus said, that He would raise up those that the Father had given him "at the last day" (John 6: 39,40,44,54). We are told in 1st Thessalonians 4:16,17 that "the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."

耶穌說,他將復活天父“在末日”賜給他的人(約翰福音6:39,40,44,54)。 帖撒羅尼迦前書4:16,17告訴我們,“在基督裡死了的人必先復活。以後我們這活著還存留的人必和他們一同被提到雲裡,在空中與主相遇。這樣,我們就要和主永遠同在。

From: Don Blackwell


In Ecclesiastes chapter 9 says the dead do not know what is going on the earth, that the dead do not interact with the living, then how do you explain that. I want to make several observations. First, what does the text say the woman did when she saw the spirit? She screamed. Why did she scream? Because was afraid. This has never happened before. That's what I think is taking place. This has never happened in all the years that she has faked this sience, this has never happened and so when she actually sees him, she screams out and she quickly begins to deduce in her mind that something special is going on here. What is going on here actually responded. 

在《傳道書》第9章中,死者不知道地上發生了什麼,死者不與活人互動,那麼你如何解釋這一點。 我想做幾個觀察。 首先,聖經說這個女人看到靈魂時做了什麼? 她大聲呼叫起來。 她為什麼尖叫? 因為害怕。 這以前從未發生過。 這就是我認為正在發生的事情。 多年來,這種情況從未發生過,這種情況從未發生過,所以當她真正看到他(撒母耳)時,她尖叫起來,她很快開始在腦海中推斷這裡正在發生一些特別的事情。 這裡發生的事情實際上得到了回應。

And she say, you must be Saul. You are Saul you tricked me. Here is the second thing you got to understand about this. It is not power causing this, it is God's power. And this was not the norm. This was not normally what happened. God allowed this to happen on an extremely rare occasion. 

她說,你一定是掃羅。 你是Saul,你欺騙了我。 這是你要瞭解的第二件事。 造成這種情況的不是(人的)力量,而是神的力量。 這不是常規。 這不是通常發生的事情。 神允許在極其罕見的場合產生這種情況。

Now there is something similar in the New Testament. In Matthew 17, on the mount of transfiguration. Not exactly the same but they are similar in essence of what we are talking about. Jesus is on the Mount of Transfiguration. The Bible says that he is transfigured, he is changed in the presence of his apostles, Peter, James and John. And then it is said that he is talking with Moses and Elijah. He is changed, he is transformed into a spiritual being, a spiritual body and then there is Moses and Elijah. I got the idea that they were also in this changed body, in this changed form and so spirit beings. 

現在新約中也有類似的東西。 在馬太福音17中,在變相的山上。 不完全相同,但它們與我們所談論的內容本質上相似。 耶穌在變相山上。 聖經說他變身了,在他的使徒彼得、雅各和約翰面前改變了。 然後據說他正在與摩西和以利亞交談。 他改變了,他變成了一個靈體,一個屬靈的身體,然後是摩西和以利亞。 我萌生的想法是,他們也在這個變化的身體裡,在這個新的靈體裡。

But as I tried to think about this, those were the only two examples I can think of in the bible of spirit beings interacting with humans this way. This is not the normal way that things happen. 

但當我試圖思考這個問題時,這些是我在聖經中能想到的唯一兩個,以這種方式與人類互動的交鬼的例子。 這不是事情發生的正常方式。

★ My conclusion: 

  1. Only God has the power to interact with the dead, not humans. 
  2. Now the "dead" have nothing to do with the living, and Satan is harming us through false lies.


  1. 只有神有能力與死者互動,而不是人類。
  2. 現在“亡靈”跟活人無關了,撒旦是透過錯謬的謊言來危害我們。



Should I Forgive A Brother Who Won't Repent? (Don Blackwell) 我應該原諒一個不悔改的弟兄嗎?


Together: Forgive One Another