Pray to Jesus? 向耶穌禱告?

From: T.A.


Jesus Himself gives us teaching on this point, He said, "After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. "(Matthew 6:9). 

耶穌親自教導我們這一點,他說:“所以,你們禱告要這樣說:我們在天上的父:願人都尊你的名為聖。” (馬太福音6:9)

Our prayers (which is worship) should be addressed to the Father. We give thanks to God and the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:17; Ephesians 5:20).  

我們的禱吿(即敬拜中的一環)應該向天父而行。 我們奉主耶穌的名感謝神/天父(歌羅西書3:17;以弗所書5:20)。

Jesus said, "...the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him." (John 4:23). This would include our public and private worship. 

耶穌說:“......那真正拜父的,要用心靈和誠實(真理)拜他,因為父要這樣的人拜他。( 約翰福音 4:23)。 這包括我們公開和私人的敬拜。

While Jesus was on the earth people worshipped Him (Matthew 2:2,11; 8:2; 9:18; 14:33; 15:25; and other places). Jesus is God and is worthy of worship and at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord(Philppians 2:10-11).  

當耶穌在世上時,人們敬拜他(馬太福音2:2,11;8:2;9:18;14:33;15:25 和其他經文)。 耶穌是神,值得敬拜,所有人應該因耶穌的名無不屈膝,無不口稱「耶穌基督為主」。(腓立比書2:10-11)。

In our singing we are singing and making melody in our heart to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). All that we do in word or in deed we do in the name of the Lord Jesus . 

我們唱詩,是以口唱心和讚美主(以弗所書5:19;歌羅西書3:16)。 我們在言語或行為上所做的一切,都是奉主耶穌的名做的。

Therefore, our worship is to be directed toward the Father and it is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus was made Lord and Christ by God(Acts 2:36). Since Jesus has been made Lord, and there is only one Lord( Ephesians 4:4-5), then when I pray , I don't begin my prayers with "Lord..." because to do so would be to address my prayer to the Lord Jesus , for He is now the Lord , and there is only one Lord. There is also the Father and the Spirit.

因此,我們的敬拜是指向天父的,並奉主耶穌基督的名為之。 耶穌已被神立為主和基督(使徒行傳2:36)。 自從耶穌成為主以來,只有一個主(以弗所書4:4-5),那麼當我祈禱時,我不會以“主......” 開始祈禱,因為這樣做就是向主耶穌祈禱,因為他現在是主,只有一個主。 另外還有父和聖靈。


Notes from Kwan: 

父神已把主权交给耶稣基督了,让他掌管一切 !等到主再来审判世界后,祂会把权柄交回给父神。(林前15:24)。

God the Father has handed over sovereignty to Jesus Christ and let him control everything! When the Lord comes to judge the world, he will return the power to God the Father. 15:24).

We can see in the Scriptures where various people did various things, but Jesus taught us to worship the Father.




Should I Forgive A Brother Who Won't Repent? (Don Blackwell) 我應該原諒一個不悔改的弟兄嗎?


Together: Forgive One Another