Will Sin Exist in Heaven? 


by David E Paden Jr 

A thorough study of the subject of angels will present one with the Biblical fact that there was a time when angels sinned (2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 1:6-7). This Biblical fact has led many to ask the question, “Can man sin once he gets to heaven?” While there are many things that the Bible teaches concerning heaven, it seems clear that heaven is a place where we will be free from sin. Consider the words of the apostle John that he penned through the inspiration of God, concerning heaven.
對天使主題的徹底研究,會呈現一個聖經中的事實,即有一段時間天使犯了罪(2 Pet 2:4;猶大書1:6-7)。 這一聖經事實導致許多人問:人一旦到達天堂,還會犯罪嗎?雖然聖經教導了很多關於天堂的事情,但似乎很明顯,天堂是我們擺脫罪惡的地方。 想想使徒約翰在神的啟示下所寫的關於天堂的話。

Certain things will “NOT” enter or exist in heaven. What are these absolutes? But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” (Rev. 21:27) This verse begins with an absolute exclusion.
某些東西不會進入或存在於天堂。 這些絕對值是什麼?凡不潔淨的,並那行可憎與虛謊之事的,總不得進那城;只有名字寫在羔羊生命冊上的才得進去。(啟示錄21:27)這節經文以絕對的排斥做起頭。

There will be nothing in heaven that defiles. The word defiles can refer to that which is common or unclean, depending on how it is used in the context of the Scripture. Since the next two exclusions are abominations and lies, it would be most appropriate to apply the latter definition. Therefore, there will be nothing unclean, evil, or corrupt in that great place. Only righteousness will dwell in heaven (2 Pet. 3:13).
天堂裡不會有任何玷汙的東西。 玷汙一詞可以指一般的或不乾淨的東西,這取決於它使用在聖經中的上下文。 由於接下來的兩個排除條件是行可憎與虛謊之事的,因此適用後一個定義是最合適的。 因此,在那個偉大的地方,不會有任何汙穢、邪惡或腐敗。 只有義才能居住在天堂(彼後 3:13)。

What is it that defiles man spiritually? It’s sin (Matt. 15:11, 17-20; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-20). If heaven is a place where defiled things will not enter, sin will not be present.
是什麼在精神上玷汙了人? 是罪(Matt 15:1117-201 Cor 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-20)。 如果天堂是一個被汙玷的東西不會進入的地方,那麼罪惡就不會存在。

Nothing will enter heaven that causes an abomination. The word abomination refers to that which is detestable or that for which exists a deep dislike. It is a word that is often used in the scriptures to describe those who are wicked and evil (Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Prov. 6:16-19; 12:22; 15:8, 26; 16:5; 28:9; 11:20; 20:10). Therefore, wickedness, evil, and sin will not exist in heaven.
沒有什麼造成可憎惡的,會進入天堂。 「可憎惡」這個詞是指可憎的或存在深深厭惡的東西。 這句話在聖經中經常被用來描述那些邪惡和邪惡的人(Lev. 18:2220:13;箴 6:16-1912:2215:82616:528:911:2020:10)。 因此,邪惡、罪惡和罪不會存在於天堂。

Nothing will be there that causes a lie. The word lie refers to whatever is not true. It has reference to one who practices falsehood. The Bible teaches that Satan is a liar and the father of lies (Jn. 8:44). It is the devil who deceives man and tempts him to sin (Jam. 1:14-16). The devil is even identified in Scripture as the “tempter.” (Matt. 4:3). Since the devil is the originator of lies, and all liars will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone (Rev. 21:8; Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10), that means that the devil who tempts man to sin will not be in heaven. If the tempter will not be in heaven to tempt man to sin, it seems only logical to conclude that there will be no sin in heaven.
那裡不會有任何導致謊言的東西。 謊言這個詞指的是任何不真實的東西。 它提到了一個行錯謬之事的人。 聖經教導撒旦是個騙子,是謊言之父(Jn. 8:44)。 是魔鬼欺騙人,引誘他犯罪(Jam. 1:14-16)。 魔鬼甚至在聖經中被認定為試探者(馬太 4:3) 因為魔鬼是謊言的創始人,所有說謊者都會在被火和硫磺燃燒的火湖中佔有一席之地(啟示錄218;馬太福音 25:41;啟示錄20:10),這意味著引誘人犯罪的魔鬼不會在天堂。 如果誘惑者不會在天堂引誘人犯罪,那麼得出天堂沒有罪惡的結論似乎是合乎邏輯的。

Also consider the teaching of Revelation 21:4. The apostle John states, “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” What is the cause of death, sorrow, tears, and pain? It’s sin. Sin is the gateway to many of the pains that we experience in this life. If heaven is a place where all of the former things will be no more, then heaven must be a place where sin will not exist.
還要考慮啟示錄21:4的教導。 使徒約翰說:神要擦去他們一切的眼淚;不再有死亡,也不再有悲哀、哭號、疼痛,因為以前的事都過去了。死亡、悲傷、眼淚和痛苦的原因是什麼? 是罪。 罪惡是我們今生經歷的許多痛苦的入口。 如果天堂是一個所有之前的事情都不會再存在的地方,那麼天堂一定是一個罪惡將不再存在的地方。



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Together: Forgive One Another