待他如外邦人;兩三個人奉我的名聚會 (Mt 18:17-20)

green tree

Mt 18:17-20

Mat 18:17  “And if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, he is to be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. 


👄From John C. (https://www.fourseas-chinese.org/blank-6)

若这位犯错的弟兄仍然不听他们的,另一方就把这事情告诉教会。这 是第三步。若他连教会的话也不听,那教会就当看他像外邦人和税吏一 样,即把他当做教外的人(参林前 5:11)。这是第四步。这一步的目的是要激发他的良知,让他知道若他不认罪悔改,其他的弟兄们是不可能与他有属灵的相交。但是,如果有一些弟兄们继续与他来往,教会所定的规定就不能生效了。若犯错的弟兄真心地认罪悔改,教会就要接纳他 (参林后 2:6,7)


👄From Denny Petrillo (WVBS course notes) :

He is no longer considered to be a part of the church. He is an outsider and no longer part of the family. How does the church feel about these? Do they isolate themselves from him? No! They try to win him back to Christ. Just because this person is no longer recognized as a part of the church, he still needs salvation. 

他不再被認為是教會的一員。 他是個局外人,不再是這個家庭的一員了。 教會對這些有什麼感覺? 他們把自己和他隔絕嗎? 不是的! 他們試圖讓他回轉到基督身邊。 僅僅因為這個人不再被認定為教會的一員,他仍然需要救贖。 


18Truly I say to you, whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 


Compare 16:19. The plan Jesus just outlined for the disciples has already been established in heaven by God. They (the apostles) are just to activate God’s plan for winning back a sinning brother. They are not establishing the steps of church discipline.

比較16:19 耶穌剛剛為門徒概述的計劃,早已由神在天堂確立。 他們(使徒們)不過是應用了這個神贏回犯罪兄弟的計劃,使徒並不是自己創建了這些教會管教的步驟。


19Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.


The apostles are going to be asked for many things. Those who ask must first be children of God (1 Pet 3:9ff; Jn 15:9), asking according to God’s will (1 Jn 5:13-15). In context, this is illustrating children of God asking the apostles if they can disfellowship an unrepentant sinner. 

使徒們將被要求做很多事情。 祈求的人首先必須是神的孩子(彼得前書3:9ff;約15:9),且按照神的旨意祈求(約一書5:13-15)。 在上下文中,我們看到神的孩子問使徒們:「是否可以將不悔改的罪人逐出教會(不和他相交)。」


20For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst.” 


This still refers to the “two or three witnesses” mentioned in verse 16. Why have these two or three gathered together? In order to try to win back a sinning brother. When such a collective effort is taking place, Jesus is in their midst - that is, He is supporting their effort. They are doing this for Christ and has to do with important decisions dealing with an erring brother. 

這經文仍指的是第16節中提到的兩三個證人 為什麼這兩三個人聚在一起? 為了試圖贏回一個犯罪的兄弟。 當這種集體努力發生時,耶穌就在他們中間——祂正在支持他們的這種努力。因為他們是為基督做這件事,這是有關對待一位犯錯的兄弟的重要決定。


“The decision of the community, acting through its recognized officials, regarding what is justifiable in its members must be regarded as final. Its ratification in heaven is promised. The man who defies it has defied Christ and he has cut himself off from fellowship” (Jack P. Lewis, Matthew, vol. 2, p. 57). 

當地教會的領導成員們,就其所認為合理公平的標準,所做出的決定,必須被視為最終決定。因為這是在天堂批准的標準。 藐視這個決定的人就是藐視基督,把自己排除在這樣的團契之外Jack P. 劉易斯,馬修,第2卷,第 57)。


Here are some examples of how this particular passage has been misused. 



1. A family decides to miss Sunday morning services and take a day trip into the mountains where they will have a period of devotion and worship. They justify their absence by saying, “Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I (God) am in their midst.” Such an application has absolutely nothing to do with this verse! The context is not even speaking about worship in any way. It is not scriptural for families to decide to go and have their own devotionals, forsaking the assembling (Heb 10:25). The purpose of the assembly is to provoke one another to love and good works and to apply this verse to that is wrong.  

一個家庭決定不去週日早上的禮拜,而改去山上一日遊,在山上他們將有一段奉獻和敬拜的時間。他們為自己的缺席辯解說:哪裡有兩三個人奉我的名聚集,神就在他們中間。這樣的應用與這節經文絕對無關! 上下文甚至沒有以任何方式談論到敬拜。一個家庭決定舉行自己的靈修,放棄集會,這是不合聖經的(希伯來書10:25)。 句會的目的是互相激發愛心和勉勵行善,這節經文應該用在更正管教弟兄錯誤的行為方面。


2. Article in the Rocky Mountain News, March 28, 1991. In this article a church of Christ minister said, “Christ is my lawyer.” He was appearing in court before two or three Christian witnesses, claiming Christ was there to be his defense. He, too, misused this verse.  

《落磯山新聞》,1991328日。 在這篇報導中,一位基督教會的神職人員說:基督是我的律師。他在兩三個基督徒證人面前出庭,於是聲稱基督就在那裡為他辯護。 他也濫用了這節經文。





Should I Forgive A Brother Who Won't Repent? (Don Blackwell) 我應該原諒一個不悔改的弟兄嗎?


Together: Forgive One Another