The Temple of God

From: TFTW Bible Collge

A temple is a place of worship. The church is referred to as the temple of God. We saw that before in 2 Corinthians, but Paul says it again in Ephesians 2. “Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:19-22

This describes the worship aspect of the church. The tabernacle and the temple were a place to worship God and the place where God dwelt. God dwells among His people today in the church, which is the current temple of God. It is there where Christians gather to worship God.




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