Family Like Church


Personal spiritual fellowship can often start with open-ended, probing questions like:

“How’s your walk going?” (Only ask if you’re prepared to hear and discuss answers beyond a simple “Good.”)

“What have you been studying lately?” (If their answer is a bashful “Nothing,” be prepared to encourage and even offer an opportunity to get started.)

“How can I pray for you this week?” (Write it down, and then do it.)

Plenty of others could be put in here. For those who are in the habit of these things, please feel free to leave a comment with suggestions for other questions that can be used to build these personal, spiritual connections. 

The real power of familial love in the church comes from such personal spiritual fellowship. It’s sharing our victories and defeats with each other, letting ourselves be known and working to know others, and letting each other know the constancy of the love of Christ through all of life’s ups and downs.



Should I Forgive A Brother Who Won't Repent? (Don Blackwell) 我應該原諒一個不悔改的弟兄嗎?


Together: Forgive One Another