Confession (Rom 10:10) c.f. Professing (Rom 1:22) 承認 (羅10:10) 和 自稱 (羅1:22)

 person standing in front of the brown building

GENE asked me to check the dictionary for him.


Romans 10:10

G3670   (Mounce)
Romans 1:22
G5335   (Mounce)

(ASV)  for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

(Chinese UV (T))  因為人心裡相信,就可以稱義;口裡承認,就可以得救。

(KJV+)  For G1063  with the heart G2588  man believeth G4100  unto G1519  righteousness; G1343  and G1161  with the mouth G4750confession is made G3670unto G1519  salvation. G4991



26x: to speak in accordance, adopt the same terms of language; to engage, promise, Mat 14:7; to admit, avow frankly, Joh 1:20Act 24:14; to confess, 1Jn 1:9; to profess, confess, Joh 9:22Joh 12:42Act 23:8; to avouch, declare openly and solemnly, Mat 7:23; in NT ὁμολογεῖν ἐν, to accord belief, Mat 10:32Luk 12:8; to accord approbation, Luk 12:8; from the Hebrew, to accord praise, Heb 13:15.

按照說話,採用相同的語言術語;參與,承諾,馬太福音14:7;坦率地承認,約1:20;使徒行傳24:14;懺悔,約1:9;懺悔,懺悔,約9:22;約12:42;使徒行傳23:8;公開和莊嚴地宣佈,馬太福音7:23;在NT ὁμολογεῖν ἐν,表示信仰,馬太福音10:32;路加福音12:8;同意承認,路加福音12:8;來自希伯來語,讚美,希伯來書13:15。

Vine: Confess 

(Verbs) 1. homologeo (G3670), lit., "to speak the same thing" (homos, "same," lego, "to speak"), "to assent, accord, agree with," denotes, (a) "to confess, declare, admit," Joh 1:20; e.g., Act 24:14; Heb 11:13; (b) "to confess by way of admitting oneself guilty of what one is accused of, the result of inward conviction," 1Jn 1:9; (c) "to declare openly by way of speaking out freely, such confession being the effect of deep conviction of facts," Mat 7:23; Mat 10:32 (twice) and Luk 12:8 (see next par.); Joh 9:22; Joh 12:42; Act 23:8; Rom 10:9-10 ("confession is made"); 1Ti 6:12 (RV); Tit 1:16; 1Jn 2:23; 1Jn 4:2, 1Jn 4:15; 2Jn 1:7 (in John's epistle it is the necessary antithesis to Gnostic doceticism); Rev 3:5, in the best mss. (some have No. 2 here); (d) "to confess by way of celebrating with praise," Heb 13:15; (e) "to promise," Mat 14:7.

homologeo(G3670),字面意思為“說同樣的話”(homos,“相同”,樂高,“說話”),“同意,同意,同意”,表示(a)“懺悔,宣佈,承認”,Joh 1:20;例如,Act 24:14;Heb 11:13;(b)“透過承認自己被指控的罪行,內向定罪的結果”1:9;(c)“透過自由說出來的方式公開宣佈,這種懺悔是對事實深刻定罪的效果,” Mat 7:23;Mat 10:32(兩次)和Luk 12:8(見下一節) ; 約9:22;約12:42;使徒行傳23:8;羅馬書10:9-10(“懺悔了”);1Ti 6:12(RV); Tit 1:16; 1Jn 2:23; 1Jn 4:2, 1Jn 4:15; 2Jn 1:7(在約翰的書信中,它是諾斯替神論的必要對立面);Rev 3:5,在最好的mss.(有些人在這裡有2號解釋);(d)“以讚美的方式懺悔”,希伯來書13:15;(e)“承諾”,馬太福音14:7。

In Mat 10:32 and Luk 12:8 the construction of this verb with en, "in," followed by the dative case of the personal pronoun, has a special significance, namely, to "confess" in a person's name, the nature of the "confession" being determined by the context, the suggestion being to make a public "confession." Thus the statement, "every one...who shall confess Me (lit. "in Me," i.e., in My case) before men, him (lit., "in him," i.e., in his case) will I also confess before My Father...," conveys the thought of "confessing" allegiance to Christ as one's Master and Lord, and, on the other hand, of acknowledgment, on His part, of the faithful one as being His worshipper and servant, His loyal follower; this is appropriate to the original idea in homologeo of being identified in thought or languageSee PROEFESS, PROMISE, THANK.

在馬太福音10:32和路加福音12:8中,這個動詞的構造與en“in”,後跟人稱代詞的與格,具有特殊意義,即在一個人的名字中“忏悔”,“忏悔”的性質由上下文決定,建議公開“忏悔”。 因此,“每個......在人面前懺悔我(在我身上)的人,他(在他身上,即在他身上)也會在我父親面前懺悔......”這句話傳達了“承認”效忠基督是主人和主的想法,另一方面,承認忠實的人是他的崇拜者和僕人,他的忠實追隨者;這適合在思想或語言中被識別的原始想法。 見PROEFESS,PROMISE,THANK。

(ASV)  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

(Chinese UV (T))  自稱為聰明,反成了愚拙,

(KJV+)  Professing G5335  themselves to be G1511  wise, G4680  they became fools, G3471



3x: to assert, affirmAct 24:9Act 25:19Rom 1:22.


Vine: Profess 

(Verbs) 3. phasko (G5335), "to affirm, assert": see AFFIRM, No. 3.

phasko(G5335),“肯定,斷言”:見AFFIRM,No. 3.

AFFIRM 3. phasko (G5335), a frequentative form of the verb phemi (No. 4), denotes "to allege, to affirm by way of alleging or professing," Act 24:9 (RV, "affirming," KJV, "saying"); Act 25:19; Rom 1:22, "professing." Some mss. have it in Rev 2:2, instead of the verb lego, "to say." see PROFESS, SAY.

phasko(G5335)是動詞phemi(第4號)的頻繁形式,表示“指控,透過指控或宣誓來肯定”,Act 24:9(RV,“肯定”,KJV,“說”);Act 25:19;Rom 1:22,“professing”。 一些mss.在Rev 2:2中有它,而不是動詞lego,“說”。見PROFESS,說。




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