Demon Possession? 鬼附身?

A man of science confronts demonic possession | CNN

by T.A.

Do we still have demon possession nowadays? 


I don't think so because we clearly don't have miraculous power to cast out demons today. Demon possession as mentioned in the scriptures seems to have occurred during the life of Christ on the earth and in the early days of the Apostles' work. We don't read of it much except in the gospel accounts and the book of Acts. My opinion is that the demons were allowed to possess men so that the awesome power of Jesus and the Apostles could be demonstrated. It showed that God is more powerful than the devil. Nobody has miraculous power today since only the Apostles could transfer this power to others(Acts 8:18). When the last apostle died(or maybe before-1st Corinthians 13:8), this power was no longer available to mankind . 

It is not logical to believe that demons still possess people against their will and God not supply people with the power to cast them out. Denominational people (and sometimes, members of the church) are interested in the spectacular such as demon possession and their so-called "rapture theory ". Mankind desires to know the future more than being concerned over what he should do in the present to prepare for the future. Demon possession is a thing of the past. Of course , people can let the devil into their hearts by doing evil,but demon possession was something that happened to people against their will. They had no control over it.



We decide whether to do good or evil, whether to allow evil to control us. As you said we have free will and each of us determines our destiny by our words, thoughts and actions. We have personal responsibility.




Should I Forgive A Brother Who Won't Repent? (Don Blackwell) 我應該原諒一個不悔改的弟兄嗎?


Together: Forgive One Another