Instrumental Music and the Principle of Authority 樂器和權威原則


tilt selective photograph of music notes

All people are to worship God in accordance with His worship instructions specified in the New Testament. It so happens that since the cross, God confines all musical worship expression to vocal music—not instrumental (1 Corinthians 14:15; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; James 5:13).

所有人都要按照《新約》中規定的敬拜指示敬拜神。 碰巧,自十字架以來,神將所有音樂崇拜表達限制在聲樂上——而不是器樂(哥林多前書14:15;以弗所書5:19;歌羅西書3:16;雅各書5:13)。

What did Peter mean when he wrote, “If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God” (1 Peter 4:11)? He meant that whatever a person advocates in religion must be found in God’s Word. But everyone knows that baby dedication services, handclapping, instrumental music, choirs, praise teams, the worship of Mary, non-weekly observance of the Lord’s Supper, and church raffles are not authorized by God’s Word. Thus, their use violates the principle of authority—failing to “speak as the oracles of God.”

彼得寫道:“若有講道的,要按著神的聖言講”(彼得前書4:11)是什麼意思? 他的意思是,無論一個人在宗教中倡導什麼,都必須在神的話語中找到依據。 但每個人都知道,嬰兒堅信禮、拍手、器樂、合唱團、讚美團、對馬利亞的崇拜、非每週的紀念主餐,和教堂抽獎,都未經神的話語授權。 因此,它們的使用違反了權威原則——未能“按著神的聖言講”。

What did Paul mean when he wrote, “…that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written” (1 Corinthians 4:6)? He meant that whatever we do in religion, first must be found in the Scriptures. But everyone knows that “sacred drama,” swaying arms, and religious observance of Christmas and Easter are not found in scripture. Their use violates the principle of authority—thinking and going “beyond what is written.”

保羅寫道:“......叫你們效法我們不可過於聖經所記”(哥林多前書4:6)是什麼意思? 他的意思是,無論我們在宗教中做什麼,首先必須在聖經中找到。 但每個人都知道,聖經中沒有“神聖的戲劇”、搖擺的手、聖誕節和復活節的宗教紀念活動。 它們的使用違反了權威原則——思考和行動“過於聖經所記”。

When all is said and done, when we’ve gone through all the rationalizing as to why we do what we choose to do in religion, we still are faced with whether what we do is, in fact, in accordance with God’s instructions. By definition, being faithful to God entails conformity to divine directives—right doing (1 John 3:7; Acts 10:35). When one “transgresses (i.e., goes ahead), and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ” (2 John 9), he becomes unfaithful and removes himself from the benefits of God’s grace (2 Peter 2:20-22; Hebrews 10:26-31; Galatians 5:4). Remaining within the grace and favor of God is dependent upon our compliance with the all-important, God-ordained principle of authority.

當一切都說且做了,,關於為何選擇在教中做某些事情時,我們進行了所有的合理化之後,仍然面臨著這個問題:我們所做的事情是否真的符合神的指示。 根據定義,忠於神,需要遵守神聖的指示——行義(約翰一書3:7;使徒行傳10:35)。 當一個人“越過基督的教訓”時(約翰二書 9節),他變得不忠,脫離了神恩典的好處(彼得後書2:20-22;希伯來書10:26-31;加拉太書5:4)。 留在神的恩典和恩惠之下,取決於我們是否遵守極重要的、神命令的權威原則。



Should I Forgive A Brother Who Won't Repent? (Don Blackwell) 我應該原諒一個不悔改的弟兄嗎?


Together: Forgive One Another