Can we forgive a non-Christian's specific sin?

Talk with T.A. on FB:

Question 1: 

Before a man obeys the gospel, does he owe and offend God’s grace since Jesus sacrificed for all of us? Did we offend God before we were added to the church, and therefore also offend the children of God? If a sin offends God, wouldn’t it also offend us Christians? 



Yes, mankind does offend God by sin. God is our Creator and He did not create us to sin. However, He did give us free will. We choose whether to do good or evil. However, you and I did not create anyone. Another person's sins may offend me but not necessarily directed towards me.  

It is true that all sin should offend the Christian, but mainly sin is against the values that God desires for His Creation. Inasmuch as all of us have sinned, I don't think we can take the sins of others personally unless they are directed toward us.

Me: I see. At most their disbelief offends us indirectly, unless they are angry at us after we preach them the gospel?

T.A.: I think that's true.

Question 2: 


Me: Yes I was talking about a man stole from me. I agree. So we can surely forgive a specific sin towards us with the condition of his repentance on that, even though he has not obeyed the gospel and be saved.

T.A.: I would say yes. However, that doesn't mean he has God's forgiveness. He will remain in his sins until he becomes a Christian. But his action of repentance for stealing puts him closer to the type attitude he must have to hear and obey the gospel.




Should I Forgive A Brother Who Won't Repent? (Don Blackwell)

The Woman that Hath a Familiar Spirit 交鬼的婦人 (1 Sam 28)