基督怎麼藉這靈曾去傳道給那些在監獄裡的靈聽(1 Pet 3:19)?

1 Peter 3:19

(Chinese UV (T))  他藉這靈曾去傳道給那些在監獄裡的靈聽,

(KJV)  By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;

1 Peter 3:20

(Chinese UV (T))  就是那從前在挪亞預備方舟、神容忍等待的時候,不信從的人。當時進入方舟,藉著水得救的不多,只有八個人。

(KJV)  Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

💮Digested Commentary by Albert Barnes: 

And preached - The word used here (ἐκήρυξεν ekēruxen) is of a general character, meaning to make a proclamation of any kind, as a crier does, or to deliver a message, and does not necessarily imply that it was the gospel which was preached, nor does it determine anything in regard to the nature of the message. It is not affirmed that he preached the gospel, for if that specific idea had been expressed it would have been rather by another word - εὐαγγελίζωeuangelizō. The word used here would be appropriate to such a message as Noah brought to his contemporaries, or to any communication which God made to people. See Mat 3:1; Mat 4:17; Mrk 1:35; Mrk 5:20; Mrk 7:36.

這裡使用的單詞「傳道」(ἐκήρυξεν ekēruxen)具有一般性,意思是發表任何形式的宣言,或傳遞資訊,不一定意味著是宣講福音,或其他特定的資訊。 沒有證據顯明他在宣揚福音,因為如果是這樣,會是用另一個詞 -εὐαγγελίζωeuangelizō。 這裡使用的詞,可以解釋為諾亞在給他的同時代的人帶來消息,或神在與人們進行任何形式的交流。 參見馬太福音3:1;馬太福音4:17;Mrk 1:35;Mrk 5:20;Mrk 7:36。

God really proclaims a message to mankind when he does it by the instrumentality of the prophets, or apostles, or other ministers of religion; and all that is necessarily implied in this language would be met by the supposition that Christ delivered a message to the antediluvian race by the agency of Noah. No argument, therefore, can be derived from this language to prove that Christ went and personally preached to those who were confined in hades or in prison.

當神透過先知、使徒或其他神職人員向人類宣講信息時,祂確實藉此向人類發聲了;這種「傳道」必然意味著——神的所有訊息都透過諾亞,向大洪水前時代的人傳遞。 因此,這句話的任何論據,都無法證明基督親自向那些被關押在陰間或監獄中的人傳道。

Unto the spirits in prison - That is, clearly, to the spirits now in prison, for this is the fair meaning of the passage. The obvious sense is, that Peter supposed there were “spirits in prison” at the time when he wrote, and that to those same spirits the Son of God had at some time “preached,” or had made some proclamation respecting the will of God. Since this is the only passage in the New Testament upon which the Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory is supposed to rest, it is important to ascertain the fair meaning of the language here employed. 

給在監獄裡的靈——顯然,這是指現在在監獄中的靈魂,這就是這段話的實質含義。 顯而易見的意義是,彼得認為在他寫作時有“在監獄裡的靈”,而神之子基督,在某個時候曾向這些靈魂“講道”過,或發表了一些關於父神旨意的宣言。 由於這是羅馬天主教煉獄教義在《新約》中的唯一依據,因此確認這句話的實質含義很重要。

💮WVBS-C. M. (Chuck) Horner-Course Notes on https://school.wvbs.org/courses/1st-and-2nd-peter/

IMPORTANT: Peter does not declare those who were the object of this preaching were in a disembodied state and in prison WHEN THE PREACHING WAS DONE! Such was the case WHEN HE WROTE! The period in which they lived in the flesh and when the preaching was done is clearly stated in the next verse.

重要提示:彼得並不是說,當基督講道時,那些聽眾正處於靈肉分離的狀態(監獄中)! 他寫的時候的情況,在下一節經文中(3:20)明確說明了:當他講道時,那些聽眾還活在肉體中/世上。

That Christ was actually raised from the dead by the Holy Spirit and that the preaching was done when the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah (1:11). These people did not believe Noah’s in- spired preaching and were in prison (hades) on the day Peter wrote this letter.

基督確實被聖靈從死裡復活了,而這節經文中的「講道」則發生在諾亞的時代,神對當時的人們有著長期的忍耐(1:11)。 這些人不相信諾亞的傳道,所以,在彼得寫這封信的那天,他們已經(肉體死去)被關進了監獄(陰間)。

What one does through an authorized agent, he is said to do himself (1 Jn 4:1), hence Christ, in the person of Noah, preached to the antediluvians during the pe- riod in which the ark was being constructed: and these, having rejected this preaching, died in disobedience and were under restraint in the spirit realm when Peter wrote this letter.




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