✋My question:
If a person doesn’t know it’s wrong to pray to Jesus like those denominations, and pray sincerely, would God reject his prayer?
如果一個人不知道向耶穌祈禱是錯誤的 (像那些教派一樣),並真誠地祈禱,神會拒絕他的祈禱嗎?
👱T.A.'s answer:
Yes, it is wrong to pray to Jesus, but many people do not know this. They must be taught. If a Non-Christian prays to Jesus, I think God is aware of it. Perhaps God will help that person find someone who can teach him the truth. Of course, I have no Bible verse to prove that, but God knows all things.
是的,向耶穌祈禱是錯誤的,但許多人不知道這一點。 他們必須被教導。 如果一個非基督徒向耶穌祈禱,我想神是知道的。 也許神會幫助那個人找到一個能教他真理的人。 當然,我沒有聖經經文來證明這一點,但神知道一切。
You could consider the blind man's words that Jesus healed as recorded in John 9. He said, "Now we know that God heareth not sinners---" in verse 31. However, we must remember that the blind man was not an inspired man of God. What He said were his own thoughts. The Bible accurately records things that people say; it even accurately records the words of the devil, but there is no truth in the devil. We must always check to see who is speaking in the Bible. Is it God? Or is it a man that God inspired?你可以考慮被耶穌醫治的盲人說的話,在約翰福音第9章所記錄的。 他在第31節中說:“現在我們知道神不聽罪人⋯⋯”。 然而,我們必須記住,盲人不是受神啟示的人。 他說的是他自己的想法。 聖經準確地記錄了人們說的話;它甚至也準確地記錄了魔鬼的話,但魔鬼身上沒有真理。 所以,我們必須經常檢查誰在《聖經》中發言。 是神嗎? 還是神所啟示的一個人?
💛My feedback:
I also believe God hears the prayers of seeking the truth. Otherwise sinners cannot be saved. Thank you for sharing.
我也相信神會聽到尋求真理的祈禱。 否則,罪人無法得救。 感謝您的分享。