The principalities and powers in heavenly places 天上執政的、掌權的 (Eph 3:10)
Ephesians 3:10
(NASB 95) so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.
(KJV) “To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God.”
Don Walker (WVBS Course note)
- “To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places.” 現在使天上執政的、掌權的
1. Such a variety of views concerning “principalities and... places.”
- John Locke: The governments and powers in the heavenly places are the Jewish religious leaders.
- MacKnight: They are the different orders of the angels in heaven.
- Calvin, Hodge, Grosheide and Lenski thought this refers to the good angels in heaven.
- A. T. Robertson understood the reference as to “evil powers or fallen angels, exclusively.”
1) All of these were taken from Burton Coffman’s Commentary on page 187.
- D. Lipscomb: The angelic being in their several orders of beings (p. 60).
- Curtis Cates: The holy angels, who in antiquity stooped down trying to view the redemptive plan (The ninth annual Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book on Ephesians, p. 67).
- Coffman: Has much the same meaning as if he had written: “We shall shout the gospel message to the highest heavens and extol the glory of the church as the demonstration of God’s manifold wisdom to the highest beings in the universe” (p. 187).
1. 關於「 使天上執政的、掌權的」的觀點多種多樣。
- 約翰·洛克:天上的政府與權勢是猶太宗教領袖。
- 麥克奈特:它們是天堂中不同等級的天使。
- 加爾文、霍奇、格羅舍德與倫斯基:認為這是指天堂中的好天使。
- A.T. 羅伯遜:為「邪惡的權勢或墮落的天使,專指這些」。
1) 以上所有觀點摘自伯頓·科夫曼的《註解書》第187頁。
- D. 利普斯科姆:天使在其各種層次的存在(第60頁)。
- 柯提斯·凱茨:聖天使們,在古代曾屈身向下,試圖窺探救贖計劃(《以弗所書第九屆年度聖靈的寶劍講道書》第67頁)。
- 科夫曼:與「我們將把福音信息傳到最高的天上,並讚美教會的榮耀,作為神豐富智慧在宇宙中最高存在者面前的展示」的意思相同(第187頁)。
2. Ephesians 6:12.
- This phrase is an interesting study to say the least. One that demands our time and energy to do it justice.
2. 以弗所書 6:12
- 這個短語至少可以說是一個有趣的研究課題。它需要我們投入時間和精力來充分理解。
B. “Might be known by the church.” 為要藉著教會得知
- The apostles were “made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men” (1 Cor 4:9).
- Notice also Hebrews 12:22. “But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.”
- The angels are learning from the existence and blessings of the church more and more of the wisdom of God.
- 使徒們是「給世人和天使觀看」(哥林多前書 4:9)。
- 還要注意希伯來書 12:22:「你們乃是來到錫安山,永生神的城邑,就是天上的耶路撒冷。那裡有千萬的天使,」
- 天使們正在從教會的存在和祝福中,越來越多地學習到 神的智慧。
C. “The manifold wisdom of God.” 神百般的智慧
- “God’s manifold (POLUPOIKILOS) wisdom,” meaning “many colored,” or “variegated,” can be compared to the breaking down of the various wave lengths of light (or chromatic, as it were) by one’s sending light through a water droplet or a prism. The church makes known the embroidery and indescribable beauty of God’s wisdom. One can appreciate the difficulty of understanding experienced by these holy beings when they contemplated a holy God, who cannot even look upon evil (Hab 1:13), forgiving and indwelling sinful men who were worthy of death” (The ninth annual Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book on Ephesians, p. 67).
- So many great thoughts surround this point.
1) Grace and Christ’s death (Heb 2:9).
2) The redemptive blood (Rev 1:5; Eph 1:7; Acts 20:28).
3) Christ being a high priest and propitiation (Heb 2:17; 4:14-16).
4) The uniting of Jew and Gentile (Eph 2:13-16; 3:6).
5) The bride (church) and the groom (Christ) (Isa 62:5; Rom 7:4; Eph 5:23-31; SofS).
- 「神多樣的(POLUPOIKILOS)智慧」,意指「多彩的」或「變化多端的」,可以與將光線通過水滴或棱鏡來分解出不同波長的光(或稱為色彩學)做比較。教會顯示了神智慧的刺繡般的細緻與無法形容的美麗。當這些聖潔的存在者思考那位不看邪僻,不看奸惡的聖潔神(哈巴谷書 1:13),卻又饒恕並住在那些該死的罪人當中時,我們可以看到他們經歷理解上的困難。(《以弗所書第九屆年度聖靈的寶劍講道書》第67頁)
- 圍繞這個觀點,充滿了許多偉大的思想。
1) 恩典與基督的死(希伯來書 2:9)。
2) 救贖的寶血(啟示錄 1:5;以弗所書 1:7;使徒行傳20:28)。
3) 基督作為大祭司和贖罪祭(希伯來書 2:17;4:14-16)。
4) 猶太人與外邦人的合一(以弗所書 2:13-16;3:6)。
5) 新婦(教會)與新郎(基督)(以賽亞書 62:5;羅馬書 7:4;以弗所書 5:23-31;雅歌)。