Worship and Take Lord Supper Alone?

woman in white hijab holding persons hand

Can a Christian worship alone and take the Lord's supper alone?

No , if there is a church where he can attend to worship. Yes, if there is no church where he can attend. Can brethren take the Lord's supper to a sick sister and let her have it on her bed? No. There are no biblical example to do it. No scriptures that we can read to support this. Sick person and can't attend is excusable to God. (by D.T.Q.)

It is always Biblical as we have opportunity to do good unto all men. But it is not required to take the Lord's supper to those who cannot assemble.  

This has become a tradition with some churches of Christ and traditions become very strong in the hearts of some people. They are used to them and begin to believe that they are required or we have a hard unloving heart if we do not follow these traditions . 

In the congregation where I preach a brother (not a faithful brother) became upset with the church when we did not bring the Lord's supper to his wife (faithful) who was sick at home. Several of us went to their house, took the Lord's supper and did a complete but abbreviated worship with them.  

I asked the brother if he knew of Bible passage that referred to taking the Lord's supper to those that are sick. He did not know of one. I told him that a sick person is not required to assemble and that I see no sin when a person is sick and does not worship. He understood and there was no further problem. (by T.A.)

目前我们所面对的问题是,“主吩咐的聚会掰饼是要每一位信徒去教会聚集的地方敬拜。那些无法去聚会的,神会勉强他们去敬拜吗?线上敬拜是不是神所准许的敬拜方式 ?经文怎么说?”

“Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭33‬ ‭KJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/1/1co.11.33.KJV

我们只须要教导圣经中有吩咐的,没有吩咐的我们自作主张去行,不但会引起一系列的问题,最终我们要如何向神交代。(by K.T.C.)



Should I Forgive A Brother Who Won't Repent? (Don Blackwell) 我應該原諒一個不悔改的弟兄嗎?


Together: Forgive One Another