Church Wedding or Official Registration First?

Sis. B:

It is good to make your contract with each other (say your vows) before witnesses--especially church members, but you can do that anywhere.  There is no law to say it has to be done in a church building.  If you write out your own vows to each other and ask the preacher or legal assistant to read those aloud as you repeat, it can be done in your home even.

Bro. A:

Marriage occurs in the courts of heaven (Mt. 19.6); government registration is simply an expedient. Even if no government exists, marriage could still take place. 

Nevertheless, we are instructed to be “wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” (Mt. 10.16). Registering with the government is wise, financially, socially, etc. Furthermore, it matters not what comes first (church ceremony or government registration).



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